Nate Jacobs

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(Ashtray Pov)

"So I heard that your brother and Y/n are dating"

Fez started to add the prices of Nates things together, "Who told you that?". Nate leaned against the fridge door and looked back at me, then back at Fez. "I overheard".

Fez rolled his eyes. "Of course you did" he turned towards Nate, "It's gonna be 10.75". Nate gave Fez the cash. Fez handed the stuff to Nate in a bag and Nate grabbed it.

"Leave Y/n the fuck alone. She doesn't need to be hanging out with low-lifes like you" Nate scowled. Fez scoffed, "You don't need to making decisions for Y/n. And you also need to mind your own fucking business".

Nate looked back at me before stomping out of the store. Getting into his truck and drove off. I walked out of the fridge. "Do you think he's gonna do anything?". Fez shook his head, "Nah. He knows that if he fucks up his relationship with Y/n, that he'll fuck up his relationship with Maddy".

"Should we follow him?" I ask, worried about what could happen to Y/n. Fez shook his head, "Nah. Let's close up. Maddy or Y/n will call us if anything".

I nodded my head and we got ready to close the store.

(Y/n Pov)

I was laying on my bed playing with my phone, when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. The person walked in and it was Maddy. "Hey N/n, mom and dad are going out and they ain't gonna be back until tomorrow".

I nodded my head, "Okay". "Well I'm gonna go to bed now and so should you" she said. I softly smiled, "I will".
She smiled back and walked out my room, shutting the door behind her.

I got out of bed and got ready to go to sleep. After I was done I got my outfit ready for tomorrow and laid back down on my bed. I heard my phone ping and I unlocked it. Ash had texted me.

Nate came to the store earlier

You guys okay?
Did he try to do anything?

He did tell us to not talk to you.
Fez told him to mind his own business and then Nate left.

You guys good though?

Yeah we good.
We at home now.

(Ashtray Pov)

I sat in my chair texting Y/n. I heard a knock on my door. "You can come in!" I yelled, already knowing it was Fez since we were the only two that lived here. He walked in, "Hey. You need to get to bed. You got school tomorrow". I nodded my head, "Okay. Night".

"Night" he said, walking out and shutting the door behind him. I looked back at my phone and continued to text Y/n.

(You are bold)

We still gonna skip school tomorrow?

If you don't chicken out

I'm not gonna chicken out.

Whatever you say
I gotta get to bed though

I gotta get to bed too


I turned my phone off and got into bed. Putting the covers over me before shutting my eyes and falling asleep.

(Y/n Pov)

I woke up from my sleep and slowly got out of bed. I groggily walked to the bathroom. I turned the sink water on and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I walk back to my room more awake now. I shut the door behind me and change into my outfit for the day.

(Outfit inspo ⬇️)

I sat in front of my vanity and did my hair and makeup

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I sat in front of my vanity and did my hair and makeup. After I was done I got my backpack and made sure everything was in it. I then got my phone and walked out my room.

I went to the kitchen and got something to eat. Maddy soon walked in and got something for herself too. "I'm gonna drive us to school today" she told me. I looked at her. "What happened with Nate?" I asked, taking a bite of my food.

She sighed, "He's upset about you and Ashtray. And he doesn't want you to talk to Ashtray or Fez. So I told him until he learns to grow up and to stop being an asshole and stops trying to mess with your relationship, that we can take a break". She took a bite of her food.

"Oh damn. Sorry that happened" I said. She shrugged her shoulders, "Eh. It's fine. If this is gonna help realize that he needs to leave you and Ashtray alone then so be it". I just nodded my head and went back to eating my food.

After me and Maddy were done eating, we walked to her car, making sure to lock the front door. We both got in the car and she drove us to school.


/n: Sorry if the chapter seemed a bit short and if there were any Grammer mistakes.

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