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(Y/n Pov)

I was sitting in the chair in front of the principles desk. He sighed while rumbling his head, before looking at me, "Why would you do that Y/n?". "She said shit about my family!" I answered. "Language Y/n" the principle replied.

I rolled my eyes, "She was being rude and she tried to get with my boyfriend. I was just giving her what she deserved". "But she used to be your friend" he said. "Yeah. Used to be my friend" I say.

He takes a piece of paper out and writes something on it, "I'm gonna have to give you detention Y/n". I looked at him surprised, "Your not gonna suspend me?". He shook his head, "No. From what I heard from the other students and your friends, I won't suspend you".

I smiled and he continued, "But, if this happens again you will get suspended". I nodded my head, "Yes sir". He went back to writing on his paper, "You'll have detention all next week". I roll my eyes and groaned.

He looked at me, "Wanna make it two?". I shook my head, "No". He put his pen down and looked back at me, "Any questions?". "What's gonna happen to Evelyn?" I ask. "She will be suspend for the next week" he answers. I nodded my head got out of the seat and walked out.

I went pass Evelyn and saw her glaring at me. I smirked at her and waved as I walked out of the room and to my class. I sat down next to Vanessa and she turned towards me, "What happened?". I looked at her, "I got detention for the next week".

"And Evelyn?"

"Evelyn is getting suspended"

She looked at me excitedly, "Really?". I nodded my head, "Mhm". "Y/n and Vanessa. Back to your work please" the teacher said. We both looked at each other before getting back to our work, mumbling a yes ma'am.

-After School-

I felt someone jump on my back and I laugh, "Hi Louise". She got off my back and looked at me confused, "How'd you know it was me?". I pointed at her shirt sleeve, "Your shirt sleeve".

She looked at her sleeve and then back at me, "Your right". Vanessa appeared on my other side and put her arm around my shoulders, "Bitch you were amazing! Damn I wish I could've recorded that!". Me and Louise giggled.

"I think someone did record Nessy" Louise said. Vanessa rolled her eyes, "I told you to not call me that. It makes me think of twilight". I faked a shocked gasp and put a hand over my chest, "How could you say that about twilight?".

Vanessa chuckled and removed her arm from my shoulder, "Shut up". I suddenly felt someone wrap their arm around my waist and I look behind me. "Hi Ash" I say, softly smiling. He smiles back and kisses my lips, "Hey ma".

"Ash and Y/n sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Louise and Vanessa said in unison. I rolled my eyes and spoke before they could finish, "Shut up please". They both chuckled and Louise looked at me, "Me and Vanessa were gonna go out tonight. You guys wanna come?".

I looked at Ash, "What do you think?". "Up to you" he answers. I thought for a few minutes. "No, we're good. But if I change my mind I'll text you". "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then" Louise said.

"Let's go Vanessa" she continued. Vanessa looked at me, "Make sure to use protection". She then looked at Ash, "And you don't get her pregnant or hurt her. Hear me?". Ash nodded his head, "I hear ya". She nodded her head and walked off with Louise.

Ash came to my side with his arm still around my waist, "You wanna hang out at my place?". "Yeah" I answered. We went to his place and I saw Fez sitting on the couch watching tv.

He looked at us as Ash shut the door. "Hey guys". "Hey Fez" I said. Ash got my bag from me and put it next to his, which was on the floor, "Hey bro".

We walked to Ash's room and I plopped on his bed. "KEEP THE DOOR OPEN" Fez yelled. "WE KNOW" Ash and I yelled back. Me and Ash softly laughed as he sat down on his chair.

He turned his computer on and got on an app. He suddenly handed me his headset that had a mic on it. "What?" I asked. "You can wear these while I play" he said. I took the headset, "Sure". I put it over my ears and put the mic down. I left one of my ears uncovered.

Ashtray gets on to Call of Duty and starts an online game. I hear some beeps before I hear some voices.

"What's up guys?"

"The sky"


"Shut the fuck up Kevin"

"Hi guys"

Ash leaned in towards the mic, "Hey guys. My girl has the mic right now. So it's gonna be her you talking to".

He went back to his original position. I heard the guys say some more things over the headset.

"Your girl?"

"Since when?"

"What's her name?"

"Hey girl"

"How can you survive with Ash?"

I look at Ash, "Are these really your friends?". He shrugs his shoulders, "Kind of". I just roll my eyes and softly chuckle.

A/n: Sorry for not posting anything for like the past 2 days and for any grammer mistakes. I was busy and life got in the way. And also sorry if the chapter seemed short. I just wanted to post something for now.

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