Holy sh*t!

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(Y/n Pov)

I was laying in bed, on my phone. I had given Ash his headset back earlier. His friends were nice, it's just that they were focused on their game instead of actually talking about other things.

I scrolled through insta when I got a text from Nate.

(Nate is bold)

Dumb Bitch:
I'm sorry for messing with your relationship with Ashtray

Are you apologizing because of Maddy or because you actually mean it?

Dumb Bitch:
I actually mean it

Yeah right

Dumb Bitch:
I actually mean it
I'm not lying

But if you try to do it again
I will not hesitate to come for you.

Dumb Bitch:

I roll my eyes and shut my phone, putting it on the pillow. I looked at Ash, he was still playing his game. I sigh and get up, grabbing my phone and putting it in my pocket.

Ash looked at me, "Where are you going?". "I'm gonna head home" I answered. He mutes his mic, "Why?". "Cause we're not even doing anything. Your just playing your game" I gestured towards his PC.

He looked at the PC and back at me, "If I get off will you stay?". I nodded my head, "Mhm". He turned back to his game and unmuted his mic, "Hey guys. I gotta go". He took off his headset and turned off his game.

He turned towards me, "So, what you wanna do?". "I wanna cuddle" I replied. He softly chuckled and laid on his bed, "Come here". I smiled and laid next to him, resting my head on his chest. He wrapped a arm around me.

I sighed and softly smiled, shutting my eyes and slowly falling asleep.

-Few hours later-

I slowly open my eyes. Ash still had his arm around me. I gently remove it and sit up. I felt Ash move and I looked back at him. He opened his eyes and rubbed them. He looked at me, "Hey". "Hi" I say, leaning down and kissing his head. I sat back up and looked down at him, "You hungry?".

Ash nods his head, "Yeah. I kinda want a burger. How 'bout you?". "Same" I said. I got up and put my shoes on. I looked in the mirror by Ash's desk and fixed my hair. Ash slowly got out of bed and put his shoes on. He got a jacket from his closet and handed it to me.

"Thank you" I said, putting the jacket on. He hummed in response and got a jacket for himself, along with his wallet. We both used the the front door in his room to walk out. Ash pulled his phone out and texted Fez that we were gonna go eat out.

He put his phone in his jacket pocket and looked at me, "Where you wanna eat?". "How does McDonald's sound? It isn't that far" I suggested. He nods his head, "Sounds good".

He grabbed my hand and we made our way to the fast food joint.

We talked to each other on our way to the place. Ash occasionally throwing in a pick up line here and there, and me chuckling at them. About half way there we passed a motel. I looked over at it and noticed a young man walk into a room.

After a bit we made it to McDonald's. We walked in and there was a small line. We got into line and waited. I looked at the menu, deciding which burger I wanted. I decided to get a (whatever burger you want) as a meal with a coke.

I looked at Ash, "What are you getting?". "I'm thinking a Big Mac meal with a sprite" he said. I nodded my head in acknowledgment. We made it to the front of the line and I ordered the food. "That's gonna be 17.82" the lady said.

I quickly pulled my wallet out before Ash could and handed her a 20. She handed the change and gave a receipt with a number on it. "Once that numbers called, your food will be done" she told us. I nodded my head and went to sit in a booth.

Ash sat in front of me and gave me a 'really' look. I looked at him confused, "What?". "You know I could've paid for that" he said. "But you paid last time. I can't have you paying for everything" I replied. "What do you mean last time?" he asked.

"For my lunch at school. Remember?"

"That's not the same thing"

I rolled my eyes, "It kinds is". He shook his head and smirked, "Whatever you say". I softly chuckled and grabbed his hand.

A few minutes later our number was called. Ash got up, "I'll go get it". He got the food and put it on the table. I got my stuff and gave him his. We dug into our food. I took a drink of my soda and looked at Ash.

I noticed that he had some sauce in the corner of his mouth. I softly giggled and he looked at me confused. "What?". I pointed at the corner of my mouth, "You have some sauce on your mouth". He grabbed a napkin and wiped the spot, missing some sauce.

I got a napkin and leaned over the table, wiping the spot he missed. I kissed the tip of his nose before sitting back down. I notice that his cheeks turn a soft pink and softly chuckle to myself.

Once we were done we threw away our trash and headed back home. As we walk past the same motel I saw the same young man walk out of his room, but this time there's an older man with him.

The old man looks familiar. I take a few steps forward and omg. "Is that Cal Jacobs?" I exclaim. Ash stands next to me, "Shit. That is him". He grabs my hand and quickly pulls me towards where the two other men are, hiding us behind a car close by.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" I hiss. "This is the guy that owns half the town. And he's cheating on his wife. We have to see this" Ash whispers back. I roll my eyes. Technically he's correct, Cal Jacobs does own about half the town.

We peek our heads through the window. Watching Cal talk to the other guy. He suddenly kisses him and the younger one walks away to his car. Cal looks around, before looking in our direction. He makes eye contact with us and we hurriedly sit back down.

"Shit" Ash exclaims. I hear footsteps coming our way. Cal stands on the sidewalk in front of the car, looking at us. He sighs, running a hand though his hair, "How much did you guys see?". "Just the part where you kissed the guy" Ash answers.

Cal looks at me and I awkwardly wave. "Crap" he mutters. Me and Ash stand up. "How much to keep you guys quiet?" he ask. Me and Ash look at eachother and look back at Cal.

"How much you got?" I reply. He takes out his wallet and looks though it before pulling out money, "This is what I got on me in cash. It's 300 dollars. I got an extra 300 in the car". Ash takes the money in his hand, "Go get the extra in the car".

The older man rushes to his car, getting his money before running back and handing Ash the other 300, "Here. Promise to keep quiet?". I zip my mouth, "Promise". "Yeah promise" Ash says.

Cal nods his head, "Thanks". I hum in reply and grab Ash's hand. We walk away from the motel. We look back checking to see if Cal is gone, before running back home.

"We are so telling Fez" I say laughing. Ash laughs, "Fuck yeah we are".

A/n: Sorry if the chapter was bad and for any grammer mistakes. So -pvrkers said to do something that affects the plot and Chesca_g said to do something with Nate Jacobs. Which thank you two giving  the idea for this chapter. And thank you all for 53k+ views and 1k+ votes❤!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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