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The sun rose and birds started to sing their morning songs. I stretch my arms and hop out of bed. Today was the elections , I was quite excited.

Wilbur Soot , the founder of L'manburg , was making it so called 'fair' by letting other people run for president. The thing about this man is , he is very selfish , extremely selfish.

He thinks that , just because he is: handsome , funny , sweet , kind , lovin-
That isn't the point.. still.

He was a dangerous man , I saw how he dealt with the DreamTeam and treated those who are not in his favour. Maybe today , a better president will arise.

I'd wanted to bring this place happiness ever since it was created , so I had also added my name to the list. I was going to be the savior and helper to these fine lands.

-small time skip-

I walk to the stage and find the four other parties: POG2022 , SWAG2022 , Coconut2022 and finally Schlatt2022.

Me and schlatt had run for president by ourselves but the others , different.

POG2022 , was Wilbur and Tommy. Of course the two brothers are on the same team , even though they've had their fights , they'll always stick together.

SWAG2022 , Quackity and George? How odd , I never thought the two would join forces and normally George would be asleep.. strange.

Coconut2022 , ah yes the two , always very happy to be around each other. I've seen those two best friends during war and they always had each others back. Now they were trying to gain a whole nation? Pathetic , honestly. Some furry and citizen , running a nation together , chaos would emerge almost instantly.

Schlatt2022 , I quite liked his ways , he seems decent. Except for his rotten behaviour and drinking habits , L'manburg would crumble to rubble with him as president.

As for me , (your party name)2022 I was far more superior. No one has ever held a grudge against me and I was adored by others. The only problem was is that , I don't have such strong relationships with any of them.. but that will all change once I rightfully win this place.

"Hey toots." Schlatt says with a smirk.

"Knock it off , old man." I reply with an eye roll.

I walk to my seat and notice something. I was going to have to sit besides the current president.. fuck.

"Now now , I especially chose this seat for you." Wilbur says with a playful grin.

I scoff and sit down , causing him to frown subtly.

"I have been meaning to ask you , why do you hate me so much. Like what the fuck did I do to you?"

"Fuck. Off." I firmly tell him.

He clears his throat and nods , apologising. Giving a satisfied hum , I straighten my posture and lay my hand on my laps.

"Someone seems extra formal today." Quackity says with a light hearted chuckle.

"Yes. Yes and that someone is me. Now buddy listen here , I take this shit very seriously. So if you want to talk to me about some dumb shit then don't waste my time." I speak through gritted teeth.

He smirks in response and leans closer.

"feisty , aren't you? That'll be fine.. I do like myself a feisty lady." Quackity spoke with a smirk.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes and cracked a smile at him.

Tommy walks besides Wilbur and showcases a bunch of plans and ideas , I couldn't care less of what blonde boy and Mr tree were talking about.

Burn it to the ground (Pogtopia C!Wilbur x reader)Where stories live. Discover now