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Leaving the dingy nation at last , I find myself lost in the forest. I'd never really explored this part of the woods , since I had stuck by Wilbur's side through out it all. Terrible idea.

It felt like I was almost being followed and I was. Wilbur Soot couldn't leave me alone.. this prick.

"Come on now.. where are you going?" He asks while approaching me.

"Back to my nation."


He steps closer with an innocent frown , I knew this bitch had other ideas.

"Yes , already. Unlike you , I actually care about that place."

I see his fist clenched and eyebrows furrowed.

"Take that back." He spoke through gritted teeth.

"No , no I won't because we both know it's true."

"Fucking hell.. it's always the pretty ones that act like dipshits."

"Same for you dickhead , now help me out this forest."

Wilbur blinks a few times and tries to process what I had said.


"What , what did I say wrong?"

He takes another step.

"What did you say before?"

"To help me out the forest?"

He shakes his head and starts to circle around me. This time I followed each and every move , this petty bitch is unpredictable

"Before that.."

"Shut up and help me out this wreck of a place."

"You.. like me don't you? I saw how jealous you were when I was with sally."

Stopping my movement , my eyes widen.

"What the fuck? Are you okay , that was out of nowhere."

"I'm perfectly fine dear , but are you?"


"You have a whole nation to look after." I feel his hands on my shoulders from behind. "How about I help you and take it back?"

I think for a moment.. what if- no what the fuck? I can't do that , I am the new president , not him.

I feel him lean his head on my shoulder , I freeze up.

"Come on , just give it back to me." He whispers.

I couldn't move.. my heart was beating so fast. This fucker thinks he can get his nation back like this?

"Come on sweetheart.."

His voice echoed through my brain.. I don't understand why I couldn't do anything?! The butterflies in my stomach was absolute bullshit , he was practically my enemy. He caused me so much grief and loss , he took all the credit for OUR nation. Our...

"Wilbur. Get off me." I try to say with confidence.

To my luck , he slipped right off and walked in front of me.

"You're no fun." He rolled his eyes.

"I will not be used for your personal entertainment , now tell me how to get out of this forest."

"And what if I don't?" He gives a smirk.

"Where is Tommy?"

He thinks to himself for a moment.

Burn it to the ground (Pogtopia C!Wilbur x reader)Where stories live. Discover now