._he's back_.

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Waking up, I find myself alone on the couch. Odd?
It was dark outside and pitch black inside, I couldn't see shit. I had a warm duvet and pillow under my head.
"Wilbur?" I call out.
"Yes sweetheart?" I hear his voice call back, he must of been at his desk. I thought he'd stick around, he seemed so keen on cuddling. It actually hurt me just... a little.

"Give me a second."

After a few minutes alone in the dark, a lantern glowed a deep yellow and lit up the room with a comforting hue. "You're awake, oh my sweet dove. How was your nap?"
"It was.. fine."
"You seem upset, what's wrong?" He places the lantern down on the floor and sits besides me.
"It's nothing." I lie. "Why did you leave our cuddle session?" I question with a rather obvious frown.
"I needed. . . To finish something off."
"Finish what? Ohh.. oh." I just rolled my eyes at his dumb excuse and lay back.

"(Y/n)?" He says my name, seeming rather pissed off.
"What?" I reply back, twice as sour.
"I did nothing wrong."

Here he was. Angry Wilbur. Angrybur as I like to call him. He could be such a dickhead when he was like this.

"You're just getting worked up over nothing. It's pathetic, so quit it." I tell him with pure honesty.
"Don't. And I mean it. Don't fucking talk to me like that.

"Shut the fuck up and know your fucking place." I say, sitting up.
I hear an audible whimper leave his lips, he stepped back.
"I- I was just- you- you have no right to be- I... Shit shit shit."
"Oh what happened, lost your words. Stupid bitch. Fucking know your place, worthless useless bitch. All you do is think about how to destroy your wreck of a nation."

"F-fuck.. c-call me useless again.."

"You're getting off to this, aren't you? You fucking no good slut."

That was the end of the line for Wilbur. He let out some chocked moan, I had to admit... It wasn't such a bad sound from him.
"(Y/n).. l-look I- I am sorry, so fucking sorry please oh please just.."
"You want me to get you off, hm?"

A long silence took place and he nodded slowly, walking towards me.

"Please... Please I- I need... I need you."

Shit. What have I gotten myself into.

/small time skip\

He twitched with pleasure, eyes half lidded and panting. I had just... God I don't even want to explain what I had just done.

(Sorry guys ☹️☹️☹️☹️)

"Fuck.. fuc- you're so perfect... I... You're so f-fucking perfect." He continues to mutter sweet nonsense.

"Wilbur..." I whisper, sitting up.
"Yes love?" He replies, body still twitching with pleasure.
"Did you leave the window open?"

Wilbur snaps out of his haze expression and shakes his head.

"God finally, I was getting tired of Wilbur screaming your name." A familiar voice spoke out.

Oh. Shit.



Word count: 517

Burn it to the ground (Pogtopia C!Wilbur x reader)Where stories live. Discover now