Chapter 6:

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Tempest's P.O.V.

I had seen an almost exact look alike to the wolf that tortured me.... The wolf that had did this to me. The wolf I wanted to kill. But I knew it wasn't him.... I could smell the sweet honey sickle scent and I knew that it was my mate, Alex.

I loved him in the way a girl loves her mate, but the resemblance he had with the wolf in wolf form and human, I knew I couldn't put the complete faith in him I wanted to. I would have to see for myself if he was, who I was now thinking he was. I need to know if he is the wolfs son....

I hated thinking that he might truly be that exact person.. But I had to know. I dont think I could be with him fully if I did... I took my phone off the charger and saw it light up. Without looking I answer.

"Hello? Is this Tempest?" The voice asked me. Max. How in the world did he get my number?! Amber probably gave it to him if he asked. She loves playing around with guys like him. Hottest guy in school and maybe a player. That was his image he put off to the world. Well to the school.

"Yes this is she. What do you want Max?" I said critically.

"Meet up with me before first period. I have a question." He says boldly. I am officially intrigued. Plus he can help me take my mind off of Alex. So might as well play along.

"Okay. Meet me at the café entrance. And dont be late." I tell him. This is going to be fun.

~At the Café~

I wait at the entrance of the café for about 5 minutes and eventually spot Max. He looks good today. His maroon plaid shirt and blue jeans fit him well. They fit him very well.

"Goodmorning sexy. Glad you decided to meet up with me." Max says smoothly. He flashes me a smile and stands right in front of me. His electric blue eyes and dark brown hair are a good mix with his skin tone and it makes him even hotter. He uses that to his advantage alot.

"Well I was curious. What's up?" I ask flashing him my man killer smile. He is caught off gaurd for a moment and recollects himself quickly. His smile widens and he winks.

"How about we go on a date and see where we end up afterwards." He asks me. Dating a human is risky but this once I will go for it.

"Let me think about it and catch up with me later." I say teasingly. I can see him shaking a little because I am guessing he had never been put off on any of his offers.

"Okay. Ill wait Ms. Hard To Get. Call me." He says finally and walks away. I grin at myself and the fact that I have a better game than Max. Haha. Then again I have been alive about 204 years longer than he has so of course it would be.

After Max leaves I am left alone at the café sitting at a table when I smell a familiar scent. Alex..

He walks up to my table and sits down not waiting for an invitation. "So about the other night... I--" I stop him before he can get his words out.

"Dont worry about it. I am going out with Max later. So forget about it." I say not realizing what I had just said until it was already too late.

"Oh... okay.... well I will leave you alone then." He says. He stands up and walks away with uis head down. The sight of him in pain makes me want to go up to him and wrap him in a hug... But thats what I refuse to do so because I would fall into the trap of him...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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