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Gold,Red,Blue,Silver and Lyra were at the dark cave.They saw two mens outside the Team rocket hideout

Silver and Lyra sneaked next to them and knock them out with a...Boulder?

"How strong are you guys!?"Gold whispered

L:"Its nothing our pokemon just used strength"

They sneaked inside and knocked out most of the team rocket Members.They decided to split up.

(Now we are focusing on Blue and Silver)

After a while...Silver found Blue and they decided to go together.They fought some team rocket members.After that,they knocked out the team rocket members

(Now Lyra)

Lyra basically just punched all team rocket members and the Team rockets members just blacked out.She was pretty scary when she's pissed

(Now Red)

For Red,this is just easy.He's pokemons are very Strong since they trained for three years on that mt.silver.He beaten a lot of team rocket members without his pokemon having a scratch on his pokemons

(Now back to Gold)

Gold was walking down the hall.He heard a voice yelled "LET GO OF MY POKEMON!".Gold ran to the room where the sound came from.He found a little girl who was very familiar and there is a team rocket member.He remembered the girl is from his nightmare

"Sir please help me!He is trying to take away my pokemon!"The little girl yelled at Gold.Gold saw the team rocket member have a Maril on his hands

"You don't understand!This pokemon is perfect for our plan!This pokemon can talk and learn every move!If we use this pokemon we can make mewthree!"The team rocket member said while stealing the maril from the little girl.

Gold ran to the two and grab maril away."Little girl do you have your pokeball?"Gold asked the little girl.
"HEY GIVE IT BACK!"The team rocket member shouted."No i do not have my pokeball."The girl replied.Gold kicks the team rocket member and gives the maril to the little girl and said "Here's your maril now run!".

The girl ran out of the room and said "Thank you for your help sir!"then shes gone

Just as Gold was about to ran away the team rocket member grabs Gold's foot and said "Where do you think your going bastard!?"

Another team rocket member came and blocked the door with he's body

The team rocket member who caught Gold's foot stood up and hands out a gun.He points it at Gold's head
"Now,you either get that maril and hand it to me or...Die"

And thats a cliffhanger
which no one would probably like
this is cringe you know

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