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"Whoa...a cave!"Lyra pointed."Well,should we go in."Blue asked.All of them nodded, except for Gold. "Are we really going to go in?"Gold said."We have no other place to go."Silver says."Okay then..."

They entered the cave.Gold stood at the entrance."Still,i don't think this is a good idea."Gold said."GOLD WATCH OUT!"Blue shouted.Gold looks above him and saw boulders are going to hit him.Luckly,Red pulls Gold next to him before the boulders could crash him.

"T-t-thanks."Gold said in a shaky voice."Your welcome."Red says quietly."Phew...that was close."Silver said in relieve."Seems like our entrance is blocked...we have no other choice than to go further into the cave."Blue said."W-we s-shouldn't have c-came here."Gold said.

They went further into the cave.It was very dark."Typhlo!"Typhlosion seems happy to walk with Gold."Wah....When will we find an exit!"Lyra whined."Shut up Lyra."Silver said."I think we should rest,so we could have energy to walk more later."Blue says."And im starving..."Lyra says."I don't think we need to set up a tent, let's just put our sleeping bag on the floor.It's not like the floor is wet or anything. " Silver suggested.

"G-good thing i b-brought some s-sticks from e-earlier."Gold said.He puts the sticks on the ground."T-typhlosion!Use flamethrower."Gold ordered."Okay now we have a fire.I'll cook."Blue says."Pichu!"The happy pichu cried."Pika!"The happy pikachu cried."They are playing...how cute."Gold says."Yeah.."Red replied."Let's go back to the group"Gold says."Okay."Red replied."Pichu!Pikachu!Time to go!"Gold said.

"We're back.."Gold says."Hey guys!Blue is almost finished with his cooking!"Lyra said."Im done!Come eat!"Blue shouted."Okay!"


After they ate, Gold decide it would be nice to take a walk with his Pichu."This place is...very creepy... sometimes i think my friends are braver than me."Gold said to his Pichu."Pi?"the clueless Pichu cried."Can you actually understand me?"Gold asked.The pichu nods.Gold smiles warmly to it.

"BEARTIC!"an angry beartic cried."I-UH... PICHU USE THUNDERBOLT!"Gold ordered, panicked."Pichu!!"The pichu used Thunderbolt.It did a good amount of damage but the beartic is still standing."Beartic!"The beartic attacked Gold."MY ARM!"The beartic scratched Gold's arm.

"Pichu pichu pichu pichu!PICHU!"The pichu used Volt tackle."Beartic..."The beartic fainted."G-great j-job pichu.."Gold praised."Pichu...Pichu!"The pichu seems worried for Gold."It's okay Pichu...im fine...your hurt from the volt tackle...i have a lemonade..here,drink it..."Gold said."Pichu..."Pichu is still worried for it's trainer but still drank the lemonade."C'mon.. Let's go back 'kay?"Gold said.The pichu nods.

They got back to the group and saw everyone sleeping except for Red.Red saw Gold."Hey,your ba-Your bleeding!?How did this happen?"Red rans up to Gold."We ran into a wild Beartic..."Gold replied."Your bleeding a lot...sit down,let me get the first aid kit for you."Red said.Gold sat down then Red treated his wound."You should be more careful next time..."Red said quietly.

"Thanks for treating my wound.."Gold thanked Red."No problem."Red said."im tired."Gold says."Come sleep with me."Red said.Gold nods.


"Good morning"Silver says."Your the last one to wake up."Blue says."I'm not.He is."Silver pointed at Red's sleeping bag."What do you mean?Red is already awake."Blue says."It's Gold."Silver said."Oh right."."Let's not eat breakfast...we don't have enough food."Blue said.Red wakes Gold up and packed his stuff and so did the others.

"Ready to go?"Blue asked.All of them nods."Okay let's go."Blue said.

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