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No ones pov

Red and Gold were walking in route 29
"Cherrygrove is right this way!"Gold says,"Why do you take me here? It's 19:00."Red asked."The beach here is beautiful at night so i decided to take you here!"Gold says in a friendly tone.

They sat on the beach,they chat for a while but then hear a voice says:"Gold!Your back!"it was Lyra."What do you mean Gold's back-GOLD!?"Silver said shocked."Gold we need your help!but who is the person beside you?Maybe he could help too!"Lyra said."He's Red my friend."Gold replied."Red...i think i heard that name before isn't it the trainer who was on mt.silver."Silver said.

"Yep here he is"Gold said."Well what do you want help with?"Gold asked."Team rocket is back and is ten times stronger!We need you guys to disband them,maybe you guys know someone who can join and help us defeat Team rocket again!"Lyra said.

~~Le time skip~~

   Gold pov

  I was walking with Red in route 1
"So are you ready to meet your mother again?"i asked,"Yes"He replied.We arrived at pallet town.Then we saw Blue walking out from his house."Red!?"Blue says shocked."You really got him to come down here?"Blue asked me

"Well not really,it was actually the letter that Red's mother wrote"i replied."Gold do you mind me talking with Red privately?"Blue asked.I never see him so polite before

I got back to route 1 so Blue and Red could talk privately.I let out Typhlosion,"Hey buddy!"I said."Ty"It replied,it seems bored

"Yo Gold you can come back now!"i heard Blue said.Nevermind he's not so polite.I returned to pallet town.Red took me to his house(Which i find pretty weird-).He knocked the door a couple times until his mother opened the door
"Red?"She said in shock."It's me mother."Red says

"Red! I'm so glad your back!"She said while hugging Red."Oh you must be Gold,i heard you've gone to find Red.Im glad you found him."Red's mother said."Actually, he was the one to find me first."i replied

"Well that doesn't matter,come inside!"She said.After a few chats me and Red walked outside."Let's go get Blue,i think he could help us with team rocket."I said to Red

Longest one yet

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