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"Yo!Hows Golden boi!"Lyra said to Red."..."Red replied with silence."Lyra you freaking weirdo.."Silver murmured."What was that?"Lyra asked."Nothing."


"Red im bored.................."The injured boy whined."..."Red replies with silence."Chu!"The little mouse pokemon cried while playing with it's friend,Red's pikachu."Pichu!Pichu!"The tiny pichu excitingly bring the clay figure it made to its trainer.It was a figure of a pokeball."Wow great job pichu!"Gold said."You guys can go after a few hours."Nurse joy said to them.

"Can we go eat now?",Gold asked."Sure."Red replied."Then let's go!im starving!"Gold said while dragging Red outside."Slow down there Ethan."

Help me in running out of ideas

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