Chapter 4

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Liam's POV

Finally, after composing myself, I walk back into the studio. From what I see, Lea is about seconds away from punching Lou in the mouth. I should've known things would have gotten heated whether or not I was here.

"Where Maia?" I asked confused.

"She ran off, because Louis here couldn't just shut up." Lea spits.

"What? So I can't be mad that my cousin, one who has been my best friend my whole life, hasn't spoken to me in months but can still show up in London and just not tell me? Come on Lea, even you know our relationship is better than that, whether we are in a fight or not." says Louis, still clearly upset.

"She hasn't been talking to much of anyone since the funeral. She barely talks to be about what's going on in her head. I can't make her talk to you. She asked me not to say anything, and I didn't because she wanted to be able to talk to you first, which was her plan, by the way. We didn't expect you guys back in London for a few weeks." Lea responds.

Getting annoyed with both of them I interupt "Maybe if one of you bothered to contact us, you would have known we were home."

"Right, sorry to interupt the ignorance here," says Harry "but Maia doesn't know her way around London, shouldn't we go find her, instead of sitting here and aruging about bullshit that has already happened?"

"Well, you lot go do that, I'll stay here, I'm sure that last thing she wants is me finding her." I say.

"Really Liam? You're partly the reason she ran out anyway, you're going to help, get up" says Lea, as she smacks me in the back of the head.

"Um, guys. Can someone explain what is going on?" says a voice. I turn around and see a brunette in a shirt covered in our faces and I smirk.

"Not to sound rude, but who are you again?" I say.

"I'm Aria, I am Lea and Maia's roommate, and also the other girl Jame's brought in" she says nervously.

"Oh right. Well it's nice to meet you, I assume you know our names", I chuckle, "Well I guess we are going to search around London for Maia, so let's get to it everyone" I order and walk off.

"Well I guess some things don't change" I hear Lea mutter under her breath.


Maia's POV

Damnit, I think to myself. I definitely did not think this through. London is a lot bigger than it seems, and I have managed to get myself lost. On top of that, I left my cellphone at the studio. Just fucking great.

"Good job, Maia" I say to myself.

I would get myself lost without a way to tell anyone what's going on. Something about seeing Liam after all this time, really made me forget any sense I may have had. I can't believe its really been six months since I last saw him and the boys. I can barely believe that it ended so badly.

In case you haven't figured, I have been close to the boys for a while. Louis and Liam the longest. My father and Liam's had grew up together and stayed close so we would visit each other all the time and well, Louis was my cousin, so obviously we were close. I didn't meet Zayn until middle school after becoming close with Lea. It was a shock when we realized all three of the boys were on X-Factor together, then being put into a group. After that, its history. We became close with all of the boys. Then my father died, and I just got tired of everything.

Having someone ask if you're okay so frequently, makes everything so much more frustrating. In the end, I took it out on everyone. I was so angry and so tired and just wanted to be left alone.

I sit down on a bench, being alone in London, lost, and frustrated, it all hit me.

I really screwed things up.

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