Love for Poison!

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A/N: This chapter is taken from my other book: Wanna Bet?! Chapter: First one Down! 

Also "This" are his thoughts that are not heared and "this" are thoughts that the whole class can hear.

As I was kinda in a trance I could see everything I was doing as well as felt everything. It was weird! For some reason I felt very irritated, angry as well as agitated like as if I wanted to actually kill someone.


You never said anything about this!

Since there was no way to complain about my current situation. I decided to rest my mind as best as I could and see what was going on. What I was doing and for some reason I was in a forest and running around too. Was I searching for someone? I don't know but I was getting annoyed and more irritated and pissed as time went bye.

What am I doing?

Why am I in a forrest?

I was running around in the forest searching for someone since I was really pissed and all I wanted was to get back in some cozy warm room. Why I knew that, I didn't know but I felt the cold and the need for something warm as well as the desire to get back into my bed. 

I really wonder who's idea this was!

Like come on!

A freaking forest?!

Why did it had to be a forest?!

Why not ground beta or a maze?

Why a forest and why in this season?!

What the!

What am I even thinking?



Why can they hear my thoughts?

Why can I hear my thoughts loud and clear coming from the speaker?

Why am I even thinking that?

What is this invention you made?


I swear the moment this whole thing is over, you better start running!

It felt like going for a hunt. The most logical thing was to get some weapons. That was exactly what I could see myself doing. Still I didn't know why I was doing this. I needed some weapons to defend myself since I wasn't allowed to use my quirk for whatever reason. Why I knew that, was a mystery to me.

As if me being quirkless helps them survive!

If anything it lowers their chances of surviving!

Like do you really thing quirkless people are stupid or can't fight?!

Let me show you what we can do cause it is so hahaha very funny watching them suffer!

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