What a trip!

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Mei: On it, Ma'am.

Aizawa: Izuku?!

Nezu: Oh my. We were all so caught up that we haven't checked on his physical condition at all.

RG: The heck! What was more important then this?

Aizawa: World domination as you saw.

RG: What was that even.

Mei: Ohh just an invention of mine that shows what could happen in the future or past.

RG: Your invention?!

Mei: Yes, isn't this baby brilliant?

RG: You fucking aham. Get it off him before it explodes.

Nezu: It won't I have checked the blueprint.

RG: What about the wireing?

Nezu: Ohh.

All of the sudden everything went black and I lost myself to the darkness but I felt soo releaved since my headache stopped.

3rd POV:

The moment Mei took the helmet off, Izuku's limb body fell down to the ground. It was obvious that he was holding out just until now by sheer will power. But once the helmet was off his head, it started beeping loudly.

Mei: Oh-Oh.

Rg: What do you mean Oh-Oh..

All that pople could see was Mei running to the window open it and then chuck the helmet out before closing it and in the the next moment it exploded. Thankfully no one was hurt since the glass was keeping them all save.

Mei: Ah-ha-ha-ha Upsy.

RG: You!

Aizawa: Izuku!

RG: You are soo lucky he I am busy with him right now.

Thankfully before Izuku could fall to the ground, Aizawa caught him and put him down slowly where RG was then checking out his conditions. Thankfully it only looked like he needed a lot of rest and from what RG could tell he would also have some memory loss but only because of the side effect of the helmet since it was starting to overheat and that beeping was the overheating sign. So Izuku's brain suffered a bit but nothing too big that couldn't be healed with a kiss from the good old granny RG.

RG: Now explain to me why I wasn't called earlier and why you called me in if not for him.

Aizawa: Nezu wanted to use Izuku as you saw to conquer the world.

RG: NEZU! What did we talk about?

Nezu: No World domination.

RG: And why did we say that.

Nezu: Because I am a chimera and I do not associate and care too much for humans. BUT I would have a human companian this time.

RG: Not making it better.

Nezu: What if it was Midoriya.

RG: Even more no! This child is too self sacrificing.

Nezu: But he can make people do tha hard work.

RG: NO! I am calling Hound Dog on ya.

Nezu: Ah fine. I'll give up. He will just join me for some chess.

RG: It better be only chess.

Nezu: It will be. You are welcome to join the tea party.

RG: I might join in sometimes.

Aizawa: More importanly how is he?

RG: He is fine for now. Don't move him until he wakes up.

Aizawa: How long will he be unconscious?

RG: For about an hour or two.

Aizawa: Everyone is excused, lessons for the day are over.

Everyone was way too shocked what was happening that no one dared to talk nor do anything but watch. Once they were told to leave pretty obviously, everyone left the room pretty quickly. Leaving the 4 people on their own.

RG: So who did encourage such an act?

Mei: Nezu did.

Nezu: It is true that I was allowing this to happen.

RG: You out of your god damn rat mind?

Nezu: Perhapse.

RG: *Sigh* You are crazy. Everything will now go though me.

Nezu: Let's make it that you will be in the same room next time.

RG: Nezu....

Nezu: I will insist on that, my dear old friend. Threaten me with this cane as much as you want.

RG: *Sigh*

Aizawa: Mei you may leave as well.

Mei: Ahm okay. Please tell him that I am sorry for what happened.

RG: Will do dearie now go and have some rest as well.

Aizawa, Nezu as well as RG waited for Izuku to wake up. They then made sure that he would be okay. However Izuku couldn't remember what happened at all for the whole day. All he remembered was actually waking up, going to school and seeing Nezu and Mei coming into room. Nothing more nothing less. Thankfully Aizawa took this oportunity and explained to him nearly everything leaving out the suicidal and the killing Bakugo fact. 

Izuku: So I blacked out because of this invention?

Nezu: Indeedn.

Izuku: And this was all your idea?

Nezu: Yes.

Izuku: Huh... And you want me to spend like 2 hours with you playing chess each day?

Nezu: Yes that is if you would like thatn.

Izuku: YES!

Aizawa: Don't forget the hour you have with me working on new techniques too.

Izuku: I am soo exited for that one too.

RG: All right but for today, you will be resting.

Izuku: will do.

RG: Now get back and rest.

Izuku never found out what really happened that day since no one wanted to tell him the details. However he had soo much fun since he now had 2 hours playing chess with Nezu and a whole hour which was never an hour but ended up to 3 hours training or even chilling with Aizawa.

Mei also needed to primise never to use Izuku as the first person to try her invention out.

Class 1A still was trying to get his attention more since everyone kinda wanted to spend more time with him. Izuku on the other hand was happy with the up to 5 additional hours of UA to get away from his class.#


A/N: Thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoy it too!

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