Soo Nezu's wish got reality...

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A/N: Book: "World Domination at its finest!", Chapter: "Ruler of Japan"

The whole chaos didn't got past me but I was way too exhausted and sickly felling to even think about anything that just happened all I had to say was poor Iida standing up and down not knowing what to do and who to even listen too. Then again Nezu soo want me for his world domination plans. It was no secret that he was thinking about doing it. It would be quite interresting to help him but again I would rather be a hero then do this. It's definitelly not something I should do and it was my conscience that was telling me not to conquer the world but win pepoples hearts by my own actions. 

Anyways, I was currently in class and Aizawa was sleeping in his sleeping bag until Mina began screaming around the classroom spreading the news.


While everyone was shocked, I was only smiling calmly. However, thanks to all the ruckus Aizawa decided to stand up and get out of his sleeping bag.

Aizawa: Midoriya! Follow me!

The others in class still didn't knew that I was adopted by Aizawa. I had a feeling what he was about to talk to me and I honestly didn't feel like it. However, there was no way that I would escape him and it was the inevitable, so I decided to go with him out of the room. Todoroki soon joins us as he pretended to go to the bathroom and the three of us went towards Nezu's office.

Once we were inside me, Nezu were sitting on one side while my dad and my brother sat on the other side.

Aizawa: Anyone care to explain the news?

Nezu: Ah you must be talking about the hero commissions headquarters. What a tragic turn of event.

Aizawa: I don't by this bullshit! What did you two plot this time.

Me: We didn't plot anything.

Which was the truth. We in fact didn't plot the down fall at all. We only planned the replacement of it.

Aizawa: I want to know everything!

Todoroki: Sensei, why do you think they are involved in this?

Nezu: He doesn't know?

Me: No, not yet.

Nezu: Should I or do you want to tell him.

Me: I will.

Nezu: Very well.

Me: Shoto, you see me and Nezu are planning world domination.

Todoroki: World domination.... Is that even something a hero should be planning or doing?

Me: Well my reasons for it are simply. I want to create a better world and it was the most logic and straightforward way to eliminate any bad heroes like your father. Thanks to the downfall of the hero commission we are now able to establish a new and get you father behind bars for the rest of his life. We can also get your mom out of the hospital if you want to.

Todoroki: Where do I sign up for that?

Aizawa: *Sigh* Not you too!

Me: You want to join?

Todoroki: You got me with sending my trash of a father behind bars.

Nezu: Oh we will send him not behind any jail but Tartarus itself.

Todorki: Seriously where do I sign up?

Me: Welcome to the team!

Aizawa: *sigh* I swear you two will be the death of me!

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