new places and a chance meeting

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Requested by Ivetxana

Christina was glad to be in Manhattan, she thought it was nice despite what Bernardo says. "I'm just going out for a little bit." She said as she backed towards the door. Bernardo watching her. "It's not safe for a girl to go out on her own." As soon as he said it he knew he made a mistake. Her eyebrow arched up. "Oh really? Why's that Bernardo? Hmm, because we aren't as big as you men are, we aren't dumb enough to fight out our problems and actually talk things through like civilized people?" Her voice was sassy with a slight edge to it. He lowered his eyes briefly making her huff some before walking out the door.

Her long dark hair was pulled back into a loose bun, some framing her lovely face. Her eyes were flickering around before she ran into someone. She let out a oof sound as she hit the ground. "I'm so sorry!" A kind, soft American voice said. She looked up and saw the boy that ran into her. He had soft brown eyes and brown hair. "No worries." She told him as she took the hand he offered to pull herself up. "Are you sure? I wasn't paying attention." His cheeks were dusted pink with embarrassment. He was nothing like the Americans Bernardo had told her about. 

"I'm sure, I'm Christina." She introduced herself offering her hand back out to him. He took her hand. "I'm...Baby John." He told her his nickname truthfully since that's  all he really went by around there, that made her crack a smile. "Baby John? Well it's nice to meet you." He returned her smile, nodding some. "Yeah you too."

That was about four weeks ago, the two have grown closer as time went on. They would sneak away to hang out. Christina knew Bernardo would kill them and he knew the Jets would be furious about this.

Baby John was nervous about this though. He was waiting  for Christina to show up at their regular meeting spot. "Baby John!" She said in delight as she showed up. She ran up and hugged the boy, making him blush darkly. "" He stuttered softly. She pulled back to look up at him. "What's wrong?" She asked with at concerned tone to her voice. "No things wrong..just.." He took a chance and leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. Christina was shocked but soon wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning into him as she returned the kiss.

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