Love on the West side

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For BeckyMerari1909 I hope you enjoy it!!

Katherine was walking through the street, her hands folded neatly behind her back. Her blond hair pulled back. She was the younger sister it Bernardo and the oldest of Maria. Tonight would be the dance and she was fairly excited, if only Bernardo wouldn't be there since he tended to be over protective of his younger sisters, it was endearing but annoying.

She was looking around until it was time to go home. She went home and got ready, Anita helping her and Maria, the three talking happily before Bernardo and Chino got back. That was one thing Katherine was glad of, that Bernardo at least knew no to try and set her up with anyone.

They headed to the gym. It was nicely set up, the music playing, people dancing happily. Katherine had no one to dance with so she moved off to the side and watched Bernardo and Anita dance, moving together perfectly. That's when her eyes meet beautiful blue ones. He was tale and pale with brown hair and a slim face. The two slowly made their way towards each other, making sure they were not in sight.

"Hey there." He said with a charming smile making the girl turn a slight pink color. "H-hello." She said with a shy stutter as she admired him. "I'm Katherine." She introduced herself. "I'm Riff, it's nice to met you Katherine." He smiled as he took her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand, making her blush darken.

That night the two danced, hidden way and everything was going well as they started a secret relationship. But soon Bernardo found out, challenging the Jets to a rumble, Tony was in the lead for this one.

Katherine ran to Riff, taking his hands in her own. "They are doing it..,they are going to fight." She said worry shining clearly in her blue eyes. Riff nods some. "Let's go." The two ran all the way to the place of the fight.

"Stop!" Katherine cried out as she moved into the middle, facing the Sharks. Riff was facing the Jets. "We need to stop this."
"Kat move." Bernardo said as a warning. Riff was having a stare down with Tony, "Riff get out of my way," He shook his head. "Sorry pal, not this time." Katherine couldn't believe what was happening. "They challenged us." Tony said. Riff glanced between the two gangs. " you really see a difference?" He asked as Katherine linked their hands together. "We can have peace." She said as she looked at her brother with pleading eyes which made him soften. "Fine I'll try for you." He said before offering a hand to Tony to shake, the other male slowly took it. They shook on a truce. 

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