blushy boy

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Requested by Shadow23415 I hope you enjoy!

Anna was walking with the Jets, the group going to get their leader, Riff. Anna moves in the front of the gang, she has someone managed to become sort of a second in command. "Riff!" Anna said in delight when she saw him, a sly smile crossing her face. "Anna, fellas," He greeted giving his lovely lopsided smile. She moved closer. "You look so handsome today Riff." She complimented, her voice a light and teasing purr of a voice. His cheeks tinted pink at the comment and the way she had said it, that made Anna smirk with pride. "Aww, are you blushing?" She teased making the Jets laugh. "I ain't blushing girly, it's just hot out." He said as he pushed her arm gently.

"Aw Riff, you got yourself a girlfriend." Diesel said with a laugh. "I didn't think someone could be that red without catching fire." Balkin said with a smirk on his lips. Riff cast them a glare. "Can it guys!" He said sternly which only made the guy laugh harder.

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