Chapter 4 - Absent feelings

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-this chapter may contain slight gore and is advised that you don't read this if you are sensitive to this (you now what I mean I was just trying to sound professional)-

I tied my silky strands of long hair up in a curving ponytail. I waved to our neighbours as we left for a three hour journey to the hotel our mom, Connie, was staying. We drove along a desolate country road, full of pot holes, loose gravel and lined with branchy, green hedges. It was draped over the hills like orange peel as a endless river of black, baking in the August sun, with a sheer drop to one side. Toby sat next to me, his shiny, brown hair going in every which way. Toby occasionally twitched but it was mostly hidden by the bumps in the ancient, dusty road. I lay my head on Toby's comfortable shoulder and shut my eyes. I couldn't sleep, the car jostled from side to side and awoke me from my daydreams that could have descended into slumber. I muttered to myself moodily. The smell of smoke and pollution corrupted the air that flew in through the transparent, open windows. Trees were dispersed like seeds in a field. The white lines dashed pasts like a queue of organised people trying to get tickets for a really popular movie in the cinema.

A large blue van swerved across the road, The driver with his head resting on the rotating wheel. Our taxi driver tried to steer around but to no avail. The van slammed brutally into the side of our small, yellow vehicle. The first to suffer was the driver as the van hit in direct contact with the front side it, glass shattered and sliced into his flesh. My teeth chattered, due to a quivering jaw. I screamed for help as if my voice would stop the shards of fear pierced my neck. I started to feel nauseous. My heart plunged down to my feet, 'help' I cried in my head. My nails dug deep into my palms and small beads of red began to materialize. A shiver of dread raked through my body, making my limbs give in and lay limply. Panic wrapped itself around my brain and squeezed. All of the color drained from my body, making me a deathly white. Some of the dark, charred metal from the van slit the skin around my jaw so it hung down inhumanly by the last, weak, torn tissue, it flew past and knocked Toby unconscious. A wave of salty droplets trailed down my blood-oozing cheeks. The door crushed my limbs and sent a rush of pain through my nerves only to find my legs in a tangled heap of splintered bone and torn skin. I writhed on the seat as the car tumbled into trees and jagged rocks. Eyes dazed in and out of focus, making it hard to concentrate. The car had innumerable wrinkles, like an elderly woman, from plummeting down a steep hill. One rock stabbed the car on Toby's side and I had enough strength to protect him it jabbed my head and my world's light was smothered by a blanket of black.

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