Chapter 4

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[The camera moved and it showed private drive now. Inside a shrill voice screamed at someone.]

"Up. Get up. Now." Petunia Dursley tapped the door of a cupboard, then walked away.

"Isn't that your sister Lily?" Dorcas asked the red head who nodded.

"Don't tell me you were left there, Harry." Remus said gritting his teeth.

Harry gulped feeling the eyes of the others.

"Remus calm down. You're holding Teddy." Estelle reminds him. He calmed a little remembering his son.

[Inside the cup board. A young Harry groaned and put his glasses on.]

"They made you sleep in a cupboard!!!" All of the great hall yelled.

The purebloods are sneering in disgust of the muggles. The Potters were angered by the fact that Harry sleeps in a cupboard.

Lily and her friends wants to strangle her sister. Estelle who saw the look in Remus's face took Teddy and sat him on her lap beside Regulus.

[Dudley Dursley can be seen on the stairs.]

"Wake up cousin were going to the zoo." He said while running up and down the stairs and jumping on them.

Harry looked up and some dust can be seen falling down on him.

The Potters especially James and Lily looks ready to kill. They both glared at Dumbledore who cower in his seat.

The marauders who sensed James's anger signaled Estelle to sit a bit far away along with Teddy.

Harry was supposed to come out of the cupboard when Dudley pushed the door causing him to lose his balance and fall inside the cupboard.

James and Lily are holding on to the little patience they still have. Their friends are all on the edge.

"Here comes the birthday boy." Petunia announced and greet her son along with Vernon.

"Why don't you just cook breakfast, and try not to burn anything." Petunia told Harry who complied.

"Yes aunt Petunia."

Harry started cooking breakfast when Vernon called him.

"Come on. Bring my coffee boy."

"Yes uncle Vernon."

"They made you cook!!" James yelled.

"He's not a house elf!!" Lily screamed.

"When did you start cooking?" Estelle asked Harry.

" the time a I can reach the stove. I guess." He said.

Estelle nodded at that, and gave a look to the marauders.

"I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day." Petunia said excitedly.

She showed Dudley his presents.

"Aren't they wonderful darling?"

"How many are there?" Dudley asked.

"Thirty-six counted them myself." Vernon said proudly.

"He can count?!" Lyra asked dramatically her hands in her head acting as if she will faint.

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