Chapter 8

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[Harry and Estelle can be seen walking through the halls of Gringgots.]

"What are those auntie?" Harry asks looking at the goblins.

"Goblins Harry. They are not really that friendly but you'll be fine. As long as you treat them with respect." Estelle told the young boy who tightened his grip in Estelle's hand, making the girl smile.

"He's like Lily when he's nervous."

[They both reached the front desk where a goblin can be seen writing.]

Estelle cleared her throat. "Harry Potter wishes to make a withdrawal."

The goblins looks down to Harry then back to Estelle.

"And does Mr. Harry Potter have his key?" The goblins asks.

The Potters looks confused. "Is something the matter?" Rebekah asks.

"You see. Most of the keys of the vaults stays at the are of the goblins at Gringgots. So it is very weird for them to ask that." Estelle answered the blonde girl who smiled at her.

Estelle looks very confused then proceeded to sigh angrily. Harry who sensed his aunties irritation asks what's wrong.

"Nothing Harry."

Estelle suddenly took a key from her pocket and gave it to the goblins who told them to follow him.

"I would also be needing to go to my vault." Estelle told the goblin who nodded.

A little while later they arrived at Harry's vault.

"Vault 687. Lamp please." Estelle gave the goblins the lamp and proceed to help Harry up.

"Key please." Estelle rolled her eyes ta the goblin but gave the key to him.

Once the vault is opened, piles of gold can be seen inside. Harry's mouthe opened.

Estelle who saw the shock look in Harry's face chuckled.

"You didn't think your parents won't leave you with anything now did yah?" Harry got over his shock and went in to grab a few.

"And that is only your trusted vaults. Once your of age you will have access to all of the Potters vaults." Mia told her grandson.

"Just get what you will need for Hogwarts. I will be paying for your school supplies." Estelle told Harry who nodded.

After that they went to another vault. "Vault 159."

The goblins opened the vault and Harry looks shock. There is nothing inside.

Estelle went in and took something. A small pouch. The goblins closed the doors once Estelle is out and guided them back.

Harry, Lyra, Leo and Estelle can be seen walking in Diagon Alley.

"We still need a wand mum." Lyra informed her mother who hummed. "Then I guess you all better go to Olivanders then."

The three kids nodded and went inside the shop.

"Is anyone there?"
"Is it just me or it's kinda creepy in here?" Lyra asks making the two boys with her look at her with a weirded face. "What?" The boys just sighed used to the girl being so blunt.

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