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I took the pills Lucy gave me for the headache as I continue roaming through the papers

Accepting rogues was a complicated process that took me a lot of time in examinating of each one of em

It was so easy now a day to fake an history background or even worst a criminal record

With the new hybrid trying so hard to gain notoriety it was almost impossible to defect the scent of danger

But I'm a hybrid as well, their shit doesn't work with me

The knocking distracts me and I smile scenting Nicole and the little beast inside her
"Hey cutie" I stand up walking toward her for an embrace
"Oh stay far away, did you bathe in a perfume potion? I told you two drop is enough, didn't i? do you hate me? you don't want me close do you?" I stop immediately at her snap raising my hands to the ceiling "okay okay, i did wrong, I'm sorry" i giggle getting back far behind my desk

She lazily walks to the couch "why is the thing so low? cant you afford a better one? how am i going to get up later? do you hate me?" i roll my eyes
" you really are stressful"
"Marco told you didn't he?" She glares at me
"No no no, absolutely, Marco loves you, I love you, every one love you nobody will ever badmouth you" she shakes her head with a smile
"Do I really have to carry my 8 mounts old pregnancy to see my sister? You should be the one hoving around me!"
"I know, I know, I ask all the ladies to assist you, did they do it?"
"I don't want any of them! They are noisy! and always touching my belly, i do not like anyone touching my belly!" I nod
"Yeah, I should kill them all, how dare them help you in this difficult time of yours?" She nod aggressively and i smile
"Can you spend some time with me? You have your stupid Alpha job and it's okay, but I'm your sister, your little cute sister!" I smile getting closer to her to caress her hair
"Tomorrow I will be all your I promise" she push me away
"why not now?!"
"i have some unfinished work ..."
"Let's go shopping! There is a new mall in The west and..."
"There is a mall in our territory Nicole"
"Jane,I practically own the mall here, common let's go for a trip!"

I'm so gonna regret this
"Okay, but tomorrow"
"Morning" she yell while 'quickly' exiting the room

I found Nicole years after starting my pack, she was a omega in her old pack

A baby who've been through hell

Her wolf was still asleep and her body barely moving

I remember her eyes when I first touched her

She begged me not to hurt her and promised she would have pleasured me in exchange of her freedom and some money

After healing and feeding her she started following me around like a puppy

She wouldn't allow anyone to touch her or talk to her, even after she turn of age and Marco found out that she was his mate

She fought the mate bond for a long time before giving in and allowing him to be with her

They've been together for over 20 years now and they are finally having their first pup

"You are taking her for a trip?!" Marco storms in panic "can I come?"
"No" I roll my eyes while packing for tomorrow "i tough you ask me to take her out"
"I meant for an hour or two not a fucking day!" he stare at my small packing "are you leaving for a fucking month?!"
"Stop yelling I can hear you!" I shout at him "is all I may need for a couple of days"
"Okay maybe you forget something, wait, what was that? oh yeah! she's pregnant! 8months!"
"And so what?" I cross over to the bathroom to take out other products
"What if her water break?" I go back to the room "what if she starts feeling pain?" I open my wardrobe again "what if they don't have the ice cream?" I pick up the clothes "what if they kidnap her?"

I stop moving around and stare at him

My hand move quickly to his cheek with annoyance "are you back on earth or should I strike again?"

His face turn to the left and then to me with a frown
"What was that for?!"
"Because you are been an idiot, stop worrying, Nicole can take care of herself"
"You know damn well she can't" I huff rolling my eyes
"Then I will take care of her"
"You took her to Miami last time and ended up in the deadly triangle!" I giggle at the memory
"She was so scared" I laugh, I stop almost immediately "ok ok, I will take two warriors and Lucy. Is it okay?"
"Please let me come" he plead again
"No, you know we can't both be absent even if for a day."

He keeps quiet and thinks for a while walking around my room
"Okay, what if, you don't go and I go instead? That would be perfect!" He smiles

I hit my palm to my forehead
"Get out"

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