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slowly placing him on his bed, she smiled looking at his sleeping figure. making sure not to wake him up, she covered him with a soft cozy blanket and was about to leave when he held her hand and pulled her to himself. he slowly got inside her arms and placed his head on her chest or on top of her breasts. y/n chuckled and hugged him tightly, they eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.


The next morning, taehyung's eyes slowly opened as he sat straight up because of the sudden pain in his head. his eyes went wide as he remembered what happened last night, surprisingly, he remembers everything. "fuckkk, it would be so embarrassing to go in front of her now, why did I do that ughh"

"b-but she did kiss me back too right? or did I force her to?"

standing up, he went downstairs to see her making breakfast, she was facing his back so he slowly get down and sat on the dining table staring at her figure making food. "do you remember anything from last night" she said still back facing him, taehyung's lips got apart as he realized she knew he was there. "n-no" he said quickly as he was way too much nervous to say anything else "what happened last night?" he asked as y/n finally turned around "how much do you remember?"

she said after placing the breakfast and juice in front of him "I was in a club, and then...I went to my car?" he said pretending to forget everything, she sighed and sat in front of him "nothing else?" she said as he shook his head "what happened, did I do something wrong?" he asked to know what would she say "nothing, you were drunk so I just got you home."

she said avoiding eye contact and peacefully eating "nothing else?" he asked narrowing his eyes as he knew everything "no." she said the last time as taehyung nodded. 'it was just his drunk behavior to hug me, to call me jagiya, and to kiss me.' she thought.

after a while, when they were almost done eating their breakfasts, y/n got a phone call, she looked at the called id and it was 'eomma2' she knew it was taehyung's mom because her mom died while giving birth to her years ago. she placed her dishes in the sink and left the kitchen to attend the call. "hello, good morning eomma." she said smiling

"good morning my child, where is taehyung?" his mom asked "oh, he's eating his breakfast," y/n said, "oh my god, is he eating his breakfast with you!?" his mom said being shocked "yeah, is there a problem?" y/n asked not understanding what is so shocking about it?

"no no no, it's just that he never EVER have his breakfast at home, he always says that he'll have his breakfast in his office's restaurant...but since I got to know that there is no such restaurant in his office, I was so angry that I thought of finding him a woman. and guess what? I chose the best! you are really changing him, my daughter"

y/n didn't realize that there were tears in her eyes until a drop rolled down to her cheek. it had been 8 weeks from when she had married him and he always said that he was having his meals at the office's restaurant. but he wasn't, "y/n, what happened? are you there?"

"y-yes I am," she said trying her best to control her tears after hearing that he had been starving himself "my child, is everything okay between you two? he's not always ignoring you right?" his mother asked being concerned "no eomma, he's a really good husband. don't worry." y/n said "okay then, I'll talk to you later, take care of yourself my daughter. and don't let him starve himself now," his mother said. "I won't eomma, bye."

she hung up the call and sighed 


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