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It was then 4 in the morning when she heard the main door open, she saw taehyung entering the house when she ran to him, she was happy he returned but only till she saw the scars on his face, neck, arms, and legs. a loud gasp was heard when he turned around and y/n saw how badly injured he was. she slowly touched the cut on his hand and said "a-are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry, it's not a big cut," he said and was about to leave but she held his hand and dragged him to the couch. she made him slowly sit on the couch and told him to wait. she then came up with a first aid box and slowly started treating his wounds making sure not to hurt him. she thought it was hurting him but he was all focused on her and couldn't feel anything instead of butterflies, trying his best to control his smile.

when she was done, she got up and sighed looking at him "please take care of yourself, you don't know how much you make me and your mom worry" she said as he looked at her "I..um...I'm sorry" he said "go to bed now, and don't go to your office tomorrow, you're not fine"

"but it's not tha-" she cut him off, "I said don't," she said as he nodded quickly noticing y/n's deep voice. taehyung
 entered his room and quickly placed a hand on his mouth after he recalled what she said earlier "you don't know how much you make me and your mom worry" and the way she treated his wounds gave him a ton of butterflies, in fact, a whole damn zoo. meanwhile, for y/n, she still kept thinking the opposite, 'he doesn't like me for sure' 'his voice was cold as usual even when I tried to speak to him' 'yeji was wrong' 'mafias don't have a heart' 'he still thinks of me as just a girl whom he is sharing his house with' 'one-sided love'

little did she know, the actions which he was doing in front of her were just because of his nervousness.


slowly walking towards the kitchen counter downstairs, she yawned. she decided to stay home because of taehyung yet when she felt heartbroken. she recalled those heaven like moments when he called her jagi and kissed her. them cuddling with each other, and him staring at her. all those when she actually thought it couldn't be one-sided. shrugging all the thoughts off, she sighed and continued making breakfast.

placing the food on the table, she noticed it was already 8:30 am but taehyung had still not woken up. "should I go and call him?" she said to herself, "hell no, do I love to get embarrassed?" she said and sat on the table to start eating, but she knew, he won't eat food by himself later.

"ugh," she finally said and went upstairs to his room and softly knocked on the door. little did she know taehyung was awake but was doing some work. he looked at the door and quickly bound up his drawing diary and placed it on the side table. walking towards the door, he noticed some of his drawings were on the bed and were clearly showing the things he drew so he ran to them and closed all of them, then placed them inside the cupboard "taehyung?" y/n said "yeah, wait a second" he said and closed the cupboard sighing, he opened the door.

"h-have you already freshen up?" she asked "not yet" he replied "come downstairs for breakfast when you're done," he nodded as she left.

"can she just stop attacking me like that?" taehyung whisper yelled as he recalled how her body proportions were looking in her PJ and crop top

"can she just stop attacking me like that?" taehyung whisper yelled as he recalled how her body proportions were looking in her PJ and crop top

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