\16 (The end)

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He got up to see through the window what was going on, they were taehyung's men who attacked his house. his eyes went wide as he looked at y/n who was trying to hide her body by the blanket on the bed. "you-, did you tell him!?" he screamed at her and she quickly shook her head as a no, he went to her slapped her which made her break down into tears. "You are not going anywhere baby girl," he was about to carry her when someone pulled him by his collar and slapped him so hard that he fell on the ground. it was taehyung, he straightaway pulled his gun out and shot him in the head. he went to y/n made her wear his coat, she hugged him instantly.

"T-Thankyou so much, If you wouldn't be there on time, h-he w-would hav-" her voice cracked because of how much she was crying "shh, it's okay. I'm here now," taehyung said hugging her tightly "I'm sorry," taehyung said between the hug

"I misunderstood you, I should have talked to you about it," he said almost tearing up as he realized she was about to get raped "It's okay, I hurt you too," she said and broke the hug, cupped his face in her hands

"I love you, taehyung. I am sorry for whatever I did to you. Please be mine forever," she said as he smiled and kissed her, it was a long passionate kiss until the door was swung open by taehyung's men, "W-we're Sorry" they both chuckled as taehyung buttoned her coat making sure the guards could not see her. his coat went over her knees so there was no way too. he carried her in a bridal style because her knees were hurt as they left.


Relationships could only be sotted out with conversing everything out, it can affect both the person mentally if they just get hurt by each other's actions when they never get to know it was all misunderstandings. for me, if you are feeling something special for a particular being, just go and tell them, let it all out. what's the worse that could happen? they will say no? well that's much better than suffocating yourself and completely ruining your mental health along with affecting your other relationships. and it's easier to move on with their answer instead of never knowing if they feel the same.


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