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she ran over the open highway until she saw a bunch of black cars chasing her. she assumed it was Chang Wook and ran as fast as she could but she soon crashed into a solid chest. She fell on the road and hurt her knees, she looked up and saw another strange man smirking while there were a bunch of cars behind him.

She turned around and saw chang wook coming out of his car. she was surrounded by two strange men, on both of the ways. there was no way she could escape so she gave up, the man who she bumped into while running made her stand up by holding her wrist and made her smell a handkerchief. she soon fell into his arms as he carried her in a bridal style.

"Good, now give her to me, Choi Tae Joon" Chang wook said to him.

And what will you give me for that?" he asked with a creep smirk "look, we can collab and kill taehyung together

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And what will you give me for that?" he asked with a creep smirk "look, we can collab and kill taehyung together. it would be easier. I'll get y/n and you will get his mafia position." he told him as taejoon looked at him amused by the offer "sure, that's a great deal but...only if you let me enjoy y/n first," he said looking at her body while biting his lips "No, don't you dare touch her! she's mine" chang wook yelled at him "Woah, I was just joking," he said handing him y/n.

"see you soon for a collab then, bye," taejoon told him as they shook hands. chang wook make y/n sit on the car and took her home.

She was already awake when he was caring her to his room "w-what the hell, how did I come back here!?" y/n said while trying to get outside of his grip "don't move kitten, you'll need to face consequences if you don't stop" he told her but she couldn't stop and soon fell out of his arms. "leave me alone" she said and ran from the hallways but grabbed her wrist tightly and dragged her to his bedroom.

he slammed the door shut and threw her onto the bed. he hovered over her with his teeth gritted "you don't want me to be nice to you right!?" he yelled on her face as she tried to control her tears. "I-I am sorry," she said but he couldn't control himself anymore,

He ripped her dress off leaving her only in her undergarments, she tried hiding her body and stopping him but he had now turned into a beast. he started sucking on her neck but soon stopped when he heard the shooting sounds downstairs "Why do they always have to ruin the moment!?" he yelled and got up to see through the window what was going on, they were taehyung's men who attacked his house. his eyes went wide as he looked at y/n who was trying to hide her body by the blanket on the bed. 


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