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"Why haven't they started airing the new movie that is supposed to be premiered?" Salini asked those gathered to watch a block buster movie of their old town successful neighbor who is now an actor.

"I have no idea? I heard some rich folk is Delhi is going to give a press." The boy said and shrugged.

"It's he the president? Why should they hold our movie to air a useless press. Change another station." She said and they changed but still same press.

"I didn't assembly Lucknow community to watch someone talk about his riches." She snorts.

"All the channels are the same press. He might be a filthy rich." One aunty said and the rest nodded.

"Okay enough. Let's just watch those rich snobs so that they can air our movie fast." Just when it ended they saw someone entering.

"Hold on a second, isn't that khushi's savior husband." At the mention of that everyone concentration went to the tele.

"He's the one. Oh my goodness, Khushi is lucky to get not only a handsome man but filthy rich man. If he wasn't filthy rich no media would have aired him." Another Auntie commented.

The little hall was silent and they all listened to what he said.

"Why didn't he mention her name." A young boy said just then the reporter asked the question which pissed most of them.

"Bahenji! Who does he think he is? Lucknow is a great town." Salini retorts just then Arnav came in.

"Whoa! Khushi's husband is superb not only did he defend Khushi he defended our town. She is very lucky to have him as his husband. We always call her the unlucky girl right? The unlucky girl got lucky to marry a rich and handsome billionaire who loves and protect her. Unlucky her when she was in Lucknow and lucky her when she married him." A lady said kind of jealous of Khushi.

"Salini did you know the man was rich." One aunty asked.

"I had no idea. I only knew he was the grandson of Devi." She responded and the reporters scattered just then they started with the movie. Everyone concentration went away.

Delhi, East Wing.

"So he've finally announced her. That's the reason why he gave out invitation for us to come and witness his love life." Nani said angrily and Shyam got up to leave when nani started.

"Another ungrateful person." She snorts and Shyam chuckled and left to his room.

"Nannav asked me whether you're all coming so he could make a reservation for you." Nk asked referring to everyone.

"He knows we are coming then why asking? Rich nigga loves to brag." Anjali said irritated.

"So is a yes then." He shrugged and Left.


"What a lucky girl you are." They praised khushi who just nodded and said nothing.

Arnav made his private chauffeur take khushi to a hotel without the paparazzi notice. Khushi smiled when she saw Arnav is their hotel room.

"You got to be ready baby. Here wear this." He handed her a box and pushed her to the washroom.

Her dress was a definition of perfection. Her style and Arnav's favorite color! Red.

"Arnav can you help me with the string." She asked coming out and Arnav breathe hitched.

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