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Short update alert

"For fuck sake I'm not going to be in the same flight with this two morons . One I call my husband and one who's my brother. They keep bickering like kids or as their sharing me? Why do I play with the two of you your heart?" She as annoyed at their childish behavior.

"You are my you are in a relationship with me...and this moron being your brother seems not to get it. I'm her FUCKING husband so fuck off bitch." He taunts and Shyam gasped.

"I could take a video of you ASR!  The world would have been speechless.... She's my sister. I'm her FUCKING brother so fuck up bitch." Shyam mimicked his tone and Khushi sighed.

"Aman I'm not going with them. Please let me come with you." She pleaded and Aman chuckled.

"Only on one condition?"he bargained and Khushi rolled her eyes.

"What do you want?" She said in a bored tone.

" I want your delicious handmade pasta with the cheese melted on top with this vegetables and meatballs. The sandwich you make for Arnav when he comes to office, rice with curry and the chicken fish buffet with your yummy vanilla, chocolate flavored Choco cookies and macaroni. Pie and freshly juiced strawberry." He grinned, Shyam was shocked and Arnav was hiding his smile.

Aman is a cheater. He use to beg for the food Khushi made for him. He only let him taste one or two spoons. Cheater friend he thought, he just had to use this to eat Khushi's food.

"That's too much ..Mr " Shyam said in disbelief.

"Not for her. I wouldn't let this chance past. Arnav only gave me one or two spoons or just a bite of your food. He only give me sandwich and the delicious shake that's all. He keeps the rest to himself. So this is my opportunity. It's either you accept my offer and come with me or reject my offer and continue to suffer whilst being with this moron . At least your ears can rest for 45 minutes." He bargained.

"Deal Aman" she brought her hands out for handshake .

"But please don't tell my wife I made that kind of deal. She would kill me threatening me she would never cook for me. I praised your sandwich and shake and she almost had my hair." He tremble at that memory.

"It's a deal , shall we." Khushi held Aman's arm and dragged him with her. She didn't even want to be in the same car with them. Aman left with Khushi leaving Arnav and Shyam.

"That was awkward." Shyam said scratching his head. Arnav smiled.

"You don't need to fear me..I know you fear me a little bit. It's because of Khushi...when she's near you are at ease but if she leaves for just two seconds you look here and there without looking into my eyes Shyam ..I can smell fear in someone. I'm not a monster.. I know we never had a relationship when you got married to Anjali, I didn't care but I never held a grudge against you because I could see your true self. Now is different. You are my real brother-in-law, my wife's brother. There shouldn't be any fear in you. Just start coping little by little you would adjust." He advised and Shyam nodded.

"I asked you to play this drama because I wanted her to leave with Aman . You know the girl working as a maid in the family Wing..." He started.

"Payal?" Shyam asked Arnav knew immediately Shyam was fast to pick it up.

"Mmm her... I think you've been hearing Naagin since you knew I was into the Mafia?" He asked and Shyam nodded.

"Payal is Naagin." He said and Shyam gasped.

"She is by halve. In Italy we call them ghost killers. She serves as an advisor, a black killer, an Investigator and many more. In Italian mafias every household has one and they have a unique name given to them . I gave her Naagin because it's means a shape shifting serpent. She can dress and present her self in any form, a madman, a man , a young lady an old man or woman. She can disguised herself. It's only Aman and I know her . Recently she wanted some answers so she decided to portray being in love with me so that her stupid mother would grant her a chance to the servant quarters. We didn't want things to look suspicious. I think the old woman sense bad vibe from her does why she tried causing troubles." Arnav finished and Shyam was still in shock.

"So she kills people all the time?" He ask in disbelief. And Arnav nodded. The girl looks so fragile and thin. But she has the right curves. He wouldn't think she would hurt a fly.

"Don't underestimate her Shyam... you don't know what she's capable of... sometimes I'm even afraid of her.. sometimes one look in the eye makes me want me to pee if I did something wrong and she tries to correct me and I don't want to listen. I consider her as a big mother figure even though I'm older than her. She's twenty nine years old turning thirty this year." He added and Shyam gasped .

"I still can't believe it." He was in shock.

"She told me to inform you earlier she didn't want you to faint the day we reveal everything to the family. She cares about you which she never did about someone and I think she has a soft spot for you maybe tiny in her heart." Arnav chuckled.

" But wouldn't she be revealed?" Shyam said and understood him.

"They retire at thirty. She would have continued but I'm ending Italian Mafia soon. So that speaks why?" He answered and Shyam nodded.

"If you need any clarification you can ask me on our way, I think we have spent enough amount of time." He said and Shyam nodded. They left for the airport.

I got you guys right??😁😁😁silly me😂

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