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Elli and Arnav catch up. Elli was still surprised when he found out Arnav of all people settled down with a girl from a small town. He never believed until he saw videos and pictures of them. She wasn't bad at all. She was pretty, he hope she was good for him.

Elli is a giant, tall and handsome guy with green eyes. His eyes is a rare beauty in the world. It captivates people. It draws people to their doom. He has a lot of tattoos all over his body. He had a scar running from from his chin to his ear lope. He has another scar above his right eyebrows to which beautifies his face. Another scar was running from from his neck into his body. He has a lot of scar and most of them he covered it up with scars. He has long hair to which he tied up in a messy bun.

People call him a psychopath because of how cruel he is. It is believed he doesn't feel pain but that is lie. Elli was brought up by an abusive father who hurt him the moment he was born. The scars all over his body was the doing of his father. The mental disorder in which he was in from childhood was menacing. Average men could not handle it. He has a signature smile that when he does everyone is scared. A sadistic smile showing all his teeth. He killed his father when he was six. A cruel death for the devil as he said. He was recruited by the ten Don and wasn't even trained after realizing he was far more broken and couldn't feel any sorrow. He was handed over to be a naagin. He was feared at the age of ten by all the congress. He shook them to the core almost everyday making their life hell. He never liked girls. You never see him with any girl. If a girl try to seduce him then the person is digging their own grave.

The congress never knew his next step. He was 10 times faster than them. Their plan never succeeded, they tried killing him at the age of 10,11,12 and 14 till they realized it was useless. Payal and later was about to train Arnav when something came up. He left. Payal took over in training Arnav. When Aman joined later he later trained him. That was the reason why they were afraid of him. His method was brutal. He isn't that all enough to be their uncle. He just in his late thirties. A little older than Arnav.

"Are you nervous." Arnav asked him and frown.

"Nervous for what? Meeting your wife. Arnav are you insane." he pushed him harshly and Arnav almost fell.

"What the." He glared at him before typing in the code before entering.

Little payal had finished with her exams. So she is home. She was talking with payal and khushi while Shyam was a silent spectator to their conversation. Even though they heard the beep sound but they ignored it.

"Look who is here to meet you payal." Arnav said excitedly and Payal frowned. She sniffed the air and gasped.

"The smell is familiar but I don't think it's the same person." she said frowning.

"Hi cupcake." Elli said walking towards her and payal froze. The three audience were confused.

"She's definitely surprised." he said smiling but not with his teeth.

"Are you not hugging me." he sulked. He went towards her and pulled her into a hug and Shyam wasn't happy with that. The way he hugged her like a lover.

"I miss you cupcake. He kissed her forehead lovingly." Just then payal broke Into tears and started hitting him to which elli didn't even flinch. It wasn't like someone was hitting him. Little payal, Shyam and khushi was surprised.

"Now would you stop with your drama doll." he glared at her to which she immediately cleaned her eyes and shifted far away from him.

"Don't be mean doll. You were happy to see me now you are scare." he got up and then his mood change. He masked every expression up and now showed the devil. Little payal was scared and held khushi hand for support.

"Elli you are scaring my girls. Put your guard down. They are not harmful." Arnav warned and his eyes showed no backing down.

Shyam and khushi recall the name and almond gasp. So this was the Elli they were talking about.

"Meet  khushi my wife, Shyam her brother and little payal their adopted sister." he introduced.

"Everyone this is Elli, he was succeeded by payal." Arnav said and they understood.

Little Payal stared at him. His eyes captivated her. She walked to him and smiled, elli frowned.

"Hi, I'm payal. Nice meeting you, this is khushi di, ASR wife. Shyam bhai, payal di husband." she said and elli glared at Shyam way to which he frowned.

He wondered why the scary guy was giving him a glare.

"Relax elli. Dinner would be served later. I need to freshened up and change clothes." Arnav left him with the ladies and Shyam.

Khushi walked towards him. She sat beside him, even though she was afraid she smiled at him.

"I'm khushi, Arnav wife. Nice meeting you. I have heard so much about you from Arnav. I recently found out who you were when Aman and payal met as a secretary and assistant. They nearly got into a big fight but when he threatened them with your name they gluped hardly and didn't talk to each other the whole day. "she said trying to lighten the mood because of the glare pointed at his brother.

"Really." Elli smiled a little. Khushi noticed it.

"Yeah. They were so noisy and bossy with each other. Why are you glaring at my brother, are you not happy he is married to payal." Khushi asked the question which made elli uncomfortable.

She whispered into his ears. "Ohh don't tell me you had a crush on her, you are jealous she is taken right." she whispered, khushi don't understand but she thinks the hormones are controlling her.

"why so." he raised his brow.

"You've been murdering him with your eyes. It's obvious." she shrugged just then little payal walk to them. She signaled  khushi to shift away so she could sit close to elli. Little payal stared at his eyes. She loved it. She had never seen that eye color before.

Elli was now uncomfortable. What the hell is wrong with them. He flinch when the little girl traced his scars. The one above his eye brow and the one from his chin to his earlobes.

"They are beautiful scars. It defines your scary face. You aren't that scary to me. It's just your aura that it's scary but you.. Don't scare me. Relax dude. We are not in Italy or neither are we outside. We are in the four corners of Asr's home. Losen up dude. "Little payal said before leaving to the kitchen to bring out food. Arnav laughed at Ellis discomfort. He has never ever put into this situation. Elli smirked and Arnav got alerted.

" No.. No.. No Elli please not what you are thinking. "Arnav warned.

" What.. I was just thinking if she could be a naagin. It's nothing just a thought. "he said and Arnav glared at him.

" I'm only proposing it. "he rolled his eyes.

" I don't want to be a naagin. I want to be a billionaire. "Little payal said which earned a chuckle from Elli.

" You can be a  billionaire as a naagin. "he was trying to convince her.

" Nope I'm not buying it. I'm just being my own money maker. I don't anyone to employ me. I'm my own master. "she shrugged and elli smiled genuinely.

"Her foul mouth reminds me of someone." Elli said teasing payal. Payal was laying her head on shayam chest to which elli frown but brushes it off.

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