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"Everyone we are going to be late. We should set by example." Aman call out.

"who  even gave them the idea of pajamas night right before this press conference?" Shyam asked Aman. He shrugged just then Arnav came out with payal. Khushi looked dashing in her suit.

"Payal." Aman muttered, because he definitely knew she was the reason behind everyone being late.

"I'm here Aman. Don't start." she came down and Shyam glared at her.

"You are not following us with this skirt woman. You better go and change it." he scolded her and payal fumed.

"Whats wrong with the skirt." she turned 360 and Arnav whistled. Khushi hit his arm.

"Are you going or not. This is not what I kept in your bag." he said sternly with a torn everyone haven't seen him use before and they knew Shyam was hell angry.

"Okay." she sulked and went back. She came back wearing a better decent clothing.

They left for the venue. Reporters scattered everywhere. When came out from their respective cars. Flashes everywhere. Reporters asking them questions but they ignored them and walked to the hall.

"No jokes.. We need to look evil, cunning and wicked with no emotions no matter the question they asked." Khushi said and Arnav smiled at her.

They all sat on their respective chairs. Everywhere went silence.

Somewhere in Lucknow

Everyone was anxious when they saw the five beings walked into the hall. They knew they were well prepared which made them dizzy.

Current hall

"Shall we begin." Aman signal them to start.

"Mrs Asr we believed the project was in the hands of your husband Mr. Asr. Even before it was Mr Anush project then why did you all get involved with it?"Reporter A said and khushi smirked.

" My question is you grew up in this city, went to school here and got married before leaving here. If anyone could stop this demolishing was you so why did you get involved in it. Do you a personal grudge with them. You should always be proud of your hood. " reporter B said khushi smiled widely, she antic that question.

"I think that was all the questions we vetted to be asked in other to summarize it." the head said.

Arnav, Aman and Shyam was fuming because they were directing every question to khushi which isn't professional but they need not to worry.

"First all I would like to thank everyone for being present here even though  the time was communicated late.." she began her voice booming in halls, so captivating.

"To answer your question, the first question. It's true Mr Anush it's incharge of demolishing and everything that involves it but have you forgotten my husband's company deals with fashion and constructions. Mr Anush wants to build his cooperation on that piece of land so he contacted my husband to draw a deal... You know to be incharge of constructions. He had nothing to do with demolishing, we construct but you fail to understand that this land rightful belongs to Mr Anush. He was so angry when he realized people were living there. So he decided to draw a contract with them, he knows it isn't their fault that they were sold illegal land to. My husband informed him that was my neighborhood before I got married so he should please compensate them. He did it for, but not for them. If it was up to Mr. Anush secretary they would been out of the streets by now. But my dear husband stoop so low to beg to increase the money for them to stay. The loss would be compensate 50 50 both party would share on the agreements.  They even gave them some spare apartment to live in but they were hell on bent to destroy me. I don't know how they heard we were involved in that and started spreading false rumors about my husband and I. Mr Anush gave them 1month to move but my husband convinced him to add them  five solid hours month with cash money but what did they do? File a lawsuit? Against who? Me? My husband or Mr Anush. Are they kidding? "she said and everyone could sense her anger.

" And you don't get me pissed of by questioning my loyalty to them. I gave them all my loyalty since childhood and what did they pay me back me. Pain, Agony throughout my stay here. They never liked but yet I didn't throw them away because I had the chance. You all can say I'm arrogant because I got married to rich man. Why not? Who wouldn't, my husband it's rich! So what. It's my husband, don't involve personal issues with business. If I had wanted I would have punished them severely for the harm they inflicted on me but what did I do, nothing. If I had used my personal grudge against them I would have  destroyed every each of one of them. But I was civil enough. We have have been too lenient with them and with all said and done without no questions I would conclude by saying we are giving them two weeks to vacate the place and if they don't then we are demolishing it with no ounce of sympathy. As for filing a lawsuit against us, we have handled it. It's null and void. "she said with confidence and arrogance.

Arnav was proud of her.

" I know they are watching this, two weeks. The time it's ticking. "she teased.

Immediately she got up everyone followed. Reporters were flashing. Trying to get her interviewed but they immediately left.


" Ali I told you you should trust khushi she would handle everything. I'm proud of Arnav for having such a brilliant lady as his wife.", Mr Anush smiled genuinely.

Ali was still in another shock of khushi level of literacy. He was a fool for trying to degrade her.

Somewhere in Lucknow

" We are dead. "Someone said and they all agreed. Seeing this rage made them shiver. They only had two weeks to come up with a solution that can buy them their heads.

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