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"Payal how you coping dear." Arsad asked. He was the only one she talked to to.

"I'm coping well, everything was new to me and strange at first but I'm managing." she said curtly.

"Oh okay. It's good. I was also taken care of when some bad people tried to kill Mina and I. Mrs payal saved us and we traveled to Sydney before coming back to Lucknow." he started and payal gasped.

"Really?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. We were uncomfortable with them first but we managed to cope." he shrugged.

"You know that's how I was struggling, Asr ordered them not to allow me to even wash a spoon. Can you believe that? For me to be seated without doing anything. He enrolled me to a private  school on the same week I came from Lucknow, paid for everything. He bought me a new phone and computer. He assigned a few maids for me to which made me annoyed. I can do everything for myself why giving me a maid. I even have a private chauffeur who takes me to school every morning and picks me up after I close from school. I get a lot of pocket money from Payal di and khushi di, I told Asr to stop giving me money so in return he opened an account and started depositing money in my name. I just woke up and saw a bank alert I almost fell from my bed. I confronted him and he told me he's not doing it for my sake but because his wife cares about me. I begin to have a soft spot for him. I use to fear him because he doesn't laugh around me and always grumpy but I understand him now. I visit them in their wing once in a week so that I wouldn't make him uncomfortable. I'm very thankful for what they have done for me. " little chatter box payal was back when speaking to Arsad.

Arsad nodded in understanding. She was lucky to have been part of this family, he knew his people had heard what payal said and it added more to their guilt. If, and if only they had accepted the money and left without a fuss.


They heard a car parked and they sighed. Finally they have finally come.

Khushi, Arnav, Shyam, Aman and payal walk into the servant quarters. They finally met with them eye to eye and could see they were tired.

"Sorry we are late. We had things to take care of." Shyam spoke in a bored tone.

Mrs Aventika had already arranged chairs for them to sit on.

"To what do we owe this visit." Aman spoke and they all stared at each other. Waiting for who to begin.

"No one is speaking. Should we leave." Khushi taunts before shalini spoke.

"We are here to plead on everyone behalf to stop the demolition." she stated.

"Nope, you are not pleading. You fucked up on everyone and now you don't know how to clean your mess. So you dragged this people with you. And you know Arnav cares for Arsad and Mina because they saved his life, so in other to get want you want, you brought them here unwillingly or I'm wrong. "Khushi stated flatly and shalini got embarrassed.

" I have regretted for not maintaining them at Sydney. "Arnav muttered.

" You are very lucky. Arnav is giving you a second chance because of them and if it was up to you people, everyone would have been gone by now. "Khushi said in disgust.

" I hate you all right now but what can I do? Arnav likes them. "Khushi shrugged.

" So now what do you want from us now because we aren't giving you any money. You have squandered all the money we gave you. Money now is not part of the bargain and if it the deadline it's still stand as it is. "Khushi said and glared at them when they gasped.

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