All Too Well - Tenth Doctor

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I walked through the door with you, the air was cold

But something 'bout it felt like home somehow

"Right, well here we are."

There was a bit of a breeze as Y/N and the Doctor stepped into the TARDIS. Not that she noticed. Y/N was too preoccupied gaping around at the gigantic spaceship that had somehow fit itself into what seemed like a tiny police box.

"But-But it's-"

"Bigger on the inside," the Doctor said, leaning against the door and grinning at her stunned reaction.

Despite the cold air that had followed them into the TARDIS, Y/N somehow felt like she was home. Sure, it was a bit strange and definitely a bit alien, but the TARDIS just seemed to emit a welcoming sort of energy. And it helped that when she glanced back at the Doctor, he was smiling just as wide as she was.

"Alright then Doc, where are we going first?" she asked, eyes lighting up at the thought of an adventure.

And I left my scarf there at your sister's house

"Donna seems to be doing well," Y/N said with a laugh as her and the Doctor entered the TARDIS after a nice and long visit. Donna had been taking some time off lately which she attributed to the so-called sexual tension that occurred every time Y/N and the Doctor were in the same room.

"Oh very well I think though I could do without the looks from her every time we're a foot away from each other," the Doctor said, chuckling a bit as well. Y/N stood in front of her, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"We should probably tell her, don't you think? I mean, she's gonna be mad if she finds out she's given us all this time to get on with it and we've already been getting on for a week."

"Hmmm, you're right. However, I am enjoying this alone time a bit," the Doctor said with a grin before leaning in to kiss her softly on the lips. Y/N gleefully kissed him back though pulled back after only a few seconds.

"Something wrong?" the Doctor asked, a quizzical expression on his face.

"I forgot my scarf at Donna's!" Y/N said, just now realizing why her neck felt so bare. "It was my new dark blue one. The one with the stripes." The Doctor chuckled a bit, kissing her cheek.

"We can grab it when we go to pick her up next week. I have a great idea for tonight though."

And you've still got it in your drawer, even now

The Doctor could barely even think straight as he glanced around what used to be his bedroom on the TARDIS. He'd never needed one before, not really sleeping for longer than an hour. After discovering the joys of cuddling though, he had quickly claimed a room for his own, one that really just existed so he could pull Y/N into bed after a particularly stressful adventure. Not that that mattered now.

There was too much stuff in the room. Too many memories. He should just leave and let the ever changing corridors of the TARDIS swallow the room up. Books, jackets, pencils, drawings, notes were all scattered around the room, thrown haphazardly by Y/N when she'd been packing her bag. And while the Doctor knew he wouldn't be strong enough to never step foot in the room again, he still grabbed a familiar dark blue scarf and stuffed it into a drawer. That was one thing he didn't think he could handle anymore.

Oh, your sweet disposition and my wide eyed gaze

We're singing in the car, getting lost upstate

Y/N didn't think she had ever laughed this hard in her life. Her and the Doctor were on their way back to Earth, though he was yet to actually reveal when they were going. With the Doctor though, the journey was sometimes more fun than the destination which was definitely the case now. Last time they were in her time, Y/N had picked up a CD player meaning she could now blast her favorite songs throughout the TARDIS and today was no exception.

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