Wonderland - Tenth Doctor

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Flashing lights and we

Took a wrong turn and we

Fell down a rabbit hole

Y/N was never walking to work ever again. Ever. Usually she took the Tube, but she'd decided that it was pretty nice outside and it would be rather lovely to walk through the streets of London. Never again.

She'd seen some flashing lights out of the corner of her eyes about a block away from work. Y/N turned only for a man to practically run her over. Both of them fell to the ground with Y/N groaning at the impact.

The flashing lights seemed to be getting closer though Y/N's vision was partially blocked by the fact that a man was basically on top of her.

"Oh sorry," came the man's voice as he popped up as if running people over was a common occurrence. He held out a hand for Y/N which she took.

She was probably about to say something sarcastic or annoyed or just plain mean if she hadn't spotted the source of the flashing lights behind the man's shoulder. It was like nothing she'd ever seen. It was...It was basically indescribable. But if she really wanted to try, it looked like a giant mutant mix between a white rabbit and a caterpillar. The body was all caterpillar like except for occasional tufts of white fur that seemed to be sprouting every second or so. The head was just a regular rabbit though it looked meaner than any rabbit Y/N had ever seen. The flashing lights seemed to be just balls of light that swirled around the monstrosity's head.

You held on tight to me

'Cause nothing's as it seems

And spinning out of control

"What the fuck is that?" Y/N practically yelled. The most surprising part was not the creature though. It was the fact that the man, who was still holding onto her hand by the way, wasn't surprised at all. He was looking up at the thing curiously as if he wanted to get closer.

"Alien," the man answered, finally looking at Y/N. If it was a normal day and she had run into him at the coffee shop or something, Y/N probably would have been blushing. He was rather attractive with deep brown eyes and brown hair that sort of stuck up in odd places. It was the type of hair that always seemed to look effortless but Y/N had always figured men spent hours on. Not that she was worried about his hair at the moment when apparently there was an alien in front of her.

"Al-Alien?!" Y/N shouted though it was no use since the rabbit creature seemed to have locked eyes on them.

"Run!" the man shouted, tightening his grip on Y/N's hand as he started sprinting down the pavement and took her with him. Y/N wasn't entirely sure where they were going, but it was probably better than where they were.

The two ducked into an alleyway, breathing heavily as they tried to catch their breath. Y/N put a hand to her chest, feeling the way her heart was racing faster than it probably ever had. Her brain was doing double duty as it tried to make sense of everything she had seen.

"So that...that thing is an alien?" she asked, staring at the man who was currently brandishing some sort of device of some sort. Y/N was beginning to wonder whether running with him was the right idea since he seemed to be a bit insane. Though, there was a rabbit creature on the loose and he was the only one who seemed to know what was happening so maybe he was the only sane one.

"Yes. It came down and attempted to take the form of the first thing it encountered," the man explained, still waving around his device thingy.

"Which was? Because there's no way that thing already existed here," Y/N said, shaking her head. "I mean it's like something out of a book. Or a horror movie or something."

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