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It has always been my dream to be apart of the LAPD. I didn't just want to be a cop, I wanted to be the best cop that I possibly could. I mean, I grew up here. What could be better than protecting your home?

The police academy was tough, but there were three people that made it better. Lucy Chen was my ride or die since day one. Out of the 300 applicants, we were the only females to make it through the academy, so naturally, we gravitated towards each other. Sure she was small, but boy could she pack a punch. I knew from our spars at the academy. The next to join our group of two was Jackson West. He is a legacy, so of course he's an overachiever. He also has a heart of goal and very strong morals. He was a great study buddy. Then there was the oldest rookie in the history of the department, John Nolan. He was the one offering us comfort when we would have mental breakdowns. He always seemed to know what to say. He kind of reminded me of my dad in that way. When we graduated the academy, we all got assigned to the same station which was a relief. That's what brought us here, our first day. What could go wrong?

I was in the locker room changing when Lucy walked in.

"Hey Lucy. Ready for our first day in the field?" I asked as I buttoned my shirt.

"Hell yeah, already arrested a guy coming into work." She bragged in my face.

"Really? What'd he do?" I asked kind of curious.

"Tried to car jack me after my car broke down." She shrugged and began getting changed as well.

"What kind of idiot tries to steal a broken down piece of crap car?" I asked and she gave me a look. "No offense." I added.

"None taken." She said as we both finished getting ready. "So who do you want for a T.O?" She asked changing the subject.

"I'd like to work with Bishop. She seems like a badass." I honestly answered.

"Oh my God, I'd love to have a female T.O. Taking out dirtbags with other strong women. That's the dream." She agreed with me.

"Well, we don't want to be late, so let's get going." I said and we both exited the locker room to go to the briefing room for our assignments.

"All right, all right. Settle down. Settle down. So, okay, we got some new blood this morning. And some pushing the expiration date." Sergeant Grey began and everyone laughed. "Get up." He ordered and we all stood from our seats. "After six months together in the Academy, you've earned the right to be here. But you'll have to prove yourself to stay. The way we do things matters. Protocol and tradition are the metal from which every cop in this city is forged. Understand?" He asked all of us rookies.

"Yes, sir." We all replied.

"Sit down." Grey ordered and we obeyed. "It's time to play the Training Officer match game. Our contestants are: Lucy Chen, a hotshot who made her first arrest before clocking in for work." He said as she looked proud of her accomplishment. "Legacy Jackson West, who broke all his dad's records at the Academy." West looked equally as proud at Grey's words. "Veronica McNally, LA native and one of the best fighters to train at the academy." He said introducing me to the room as I nodded. "And John Nolan, who was born before disco died." He said unimpressed with Nolan as everyone laughed. "And the winners are: Officer Zavala, you get our hotshot. Officer Lopez, you get our legacy. Officer Bradford, you get the sparring champ. Leaving Officer Bishop to ride with the 40-year-old rookie. Now, hear me. Today is your first day. Don't let it be your last. Forget the Academy and listen to your T.O.s. They'll teach you the way it should be done. That's it. All right. Be safe out there. Officer Bishop, I need a word with your rook." He said as he dismissed all of us.

"Yes, sir." Bishop answered as I went to go meet my T.O. with all of our gear. We went outside to the police cruiser and began our training for the day.

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