The Switch

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"Ok, so, in what circumstance can a firearm be discharged at a moving vehicle?" Jackson quizzed me as we sat on the couch waiting for the true crime documentary to come back on. 

"When the person in the vehicle is immediately threatening a police officer or someone else with deadly force using something other than the vehicle itself." I answered and he nodded. "So, I have a question that does not have to do with police work." I said as I took the rook book out of his hands and closed it dramatically.

"What's your question?" He asked a little annoyed because we had to study.

"Hypothetically, what if there is a certain dashingly handsome officer at the station that has been staring at another super hot, amazing officer, but said officer is training with a really impossible T.O. that told the super hot officer to stay away from the dashingly handsome officer. Would you ask the dashingly handsome officer out on a date?" I asked and he looked at me confused.

"Is this about the looks that Officer Taylor has been giving you at the station?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Maybe. I'm thinking about asking him out on a date, but Tim told me to stay away from him." I said telling him my dilemma. 

"Why did Tim tell you to stay away from him?" He asked confused.

"He said something about it effecting my training and it being a distraction that I didn't need." I shrugged playing with the edge of the rook book to keep my hands busy.

"He could be right, I mean this time is already stressful enough without adding a new relationship into the mix." Jackson pointed out as he went to the fridge to get us glasses of wine. 

"I guess you're right, but Taylor is so hot it's distracting. Plus, I catch him looking at me every once in a while and those blue eyes are going to drive me crazy." I said whining about not being able to do anything about my attraction to the officer.

"What you need to do is get laid." Jackson said handing me a glass of wine.

"Ugh, I know, but I've never been good at casually dating anyone." I said honestly.

"Really? You've never had a one night stand? Ever?" Jackson clarified.

"Nope." I said popping the p and taking a sip of wine.

"Well, you need to change that because your sexual frustration is going to make this job ten times harder than it has to be." He said.

"If I tell you something will you promise to not tell anyone?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I won't tell anyone." He promised.

"I mean anyone. Not even Nolan or Lucy." I clarified and he nodded. "When I was 18, I got married to my high school boyfriend, William." I told him.

"Really? What happened?" Jackson asked surprised with my revelation.

"We got married and then he got deployed to Iraq. He was actually in my older brother's unit, but they got ambushed and my brother survived, but Will didn't." I said taking another sip of wine.

"Wow, that's heavy. I'm so sorry." He said sympathetically.

"It was a long time ago." I said and paused before continuing. "I've never really told anyone because it was too hard, but that feels kind of disrespectful to his memory. And it's hard to move on from that, but I've had a few boyfriends. I always end up comparing them to Will and then I break up with them because they aren't him." I admitted for the first time out loud.

"Well, maybe you could benefit from something casual then. Preferably outside the station." Jackson suggested.

"Yeah, you're right. I should put myself out there more. Would you be my wing man?" I asked him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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