The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

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I was currently at the beach with Jackson meeting up with Lucy and John to go running before our shift started. Jackson picked me up so that we could car pool to work together after our run. 

"So, when do you think Nolan and Chen are gonna finally fess up to their relationship?" I asked as we got out of the car.

"Let's be honest with ourselves, Ronnie, they never will." Jackson answered and I nodded in agreement.

"You're probably right. Should we tell them that we know?" I asked feeling conflicted.

"No. It's too fun watching them try to hide it." He said and I laughed in agreement. "Come on, I see them up ahead." He said jogging to catch up to them. I followed jogging.

"I thought we were here to run." Jackson said to Chen and Nolan as he approached them. 

"Oh, yes, we are. We just need a little more warm-up than you do." John answered still in disbelief of Jackson's energy level. The man was like a robot.

"You look great, though." Lucy complimented Jackson.

"Okay, you think you're cute -but the job's a marathon. And I'm not gonna be the one who falls by the wayside because I didn't train." Jackson explained as he took off running.

"Looking good! You're a beast!" Nolan cheered Jackson on.

"We're right behind you!" Lucy yelled to Jackson, though now I'm sure he couldn't hear.

"Jackson's right, though. Tim gets back today, and I feel like I should have prepared myself somehow for the abuse to come." I said joining the conversation.

"You saved the guy's life. He's got to cut you some slack." John pointed out.

"I don't think Tim has a sympathy button." I joked and they both laughed. 

"Zavala might be nice, but he never cuts me slack. Does Talia ever cut you slack, or Sergeant Grey?" Lucy asked Nolan and he shrugged.

"It's been good knowing you." He joked and we both chuckled.

"Uh-huh. It's time to run, Officer Nolan. Let's go." Lucy said taking off behind Jackson.

"Oh! Be right there. I'm just gonna stretch a little more." Nolan yelled after her.

"You want me to walk with you a little?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"No, I'm good. Thanks, Ronnie." John said and I nodded.

"Thank god, I'm always a bitch if I don't get in my morning run. See ya!" I said as I ran to join Lucy and Jackson leaving Nolan to stretch some more.


After our run we got to the station, showered, and got our uniforms on. I was heading to the briefing room when I ran into someone, literally. 

"I am so sorry, I should've watched where I was going." I apologized looking up to see a gorgeous man. He was about to reply when he looked up and saw me.

"It's no big deal. Don't worry about it." He said with a smirk on his face. "I'm Brian Taylor. Aren't you Bradford's Boot?" He asked after introducing himself.

"Yes. I'm Veronica McNally." I confirmed and gave him my actual name. "But you can call me Ronnie. Nobody calls me Veronica. Except my dad, when he's mad, but you did not need to know that." I said not being able to stop myself. He laughed at my nervousness.

"Well, don't let Bradford give you a hard time. He talks a big game, but he's really a softie." He joked and I laughed. "Don't tell him I said that." He said.

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