Part 1

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Amy was always a thin girl, although it was never her choice. Her parents were a couple of nuts who thought fitness was everything. They would work out all the time and insist that she did the same. One day, Amy was sitting on the couch in the living room, looking at her lap, when suddenly Amy's father came into the room and sat on the couch. Amy's father was the head of a local gym. He spent every spare minute lifting weights, even while sitting on the couch. "Hey Amy, take a dumbbell." He said as he lifted a couple 15 pound ones.

Amy took one of the dumbbells and began doing curls. She was a strong girl, but only because of her parents' relentless fitness encouragement. She wasn't extremely strong, but well toned regardless. She had moderate biceps, well toned thighs, and a solid 2 pack. Once she finished 30 curls, Amy got bored and went into her mother's room.

"Mom?" Amy asked as she poked her head in, "I have a question" "Yes dear?" Her mother said as she rode her indoor bike. "Is it ok if I go to Rita's house?" Amy asked. Rita was Amy's rather large friend. Her parents had their own local bakery, and they emptied their excess stock of pastries every week by bringing it to Rita. "Fine, but I don't want you eating with them. All that family has in there are pastries." Amy's mom said. "Thanks." Amy said.

Amy left the house when she noticed how her mailbox was stocked. She went over to it and opened it. A letter was inside. And it was for her. She opened it up to read-
"Dear Mrs Amy,
Congratulations! You have been invited to attend Ton-Low University. This school is a special school designed specifically for weight gain, feeding, and hedonistic lifestyles. We would like to offer you a full scholarship to attend.
Also, if your family objects to weight gain, do not be concerned. Inside this envelope is an alternative copy of the acceptance letter with falsified information on the school.
If you do accept please let us know by opening the URL on this letter.
Office of Admissions

Amy looked confused and took out the real note, leaving only the alternative note to go back into the mailbox for her parents to find. She left in her car to go to Rita's house.

Several minutes later Amy pulled up to Rita's house. It was a large mansion that had at least 12,000 square feet of space. The success of the bakery allowed Rita's parents to afford such a property. Amy pulled up to the door and rang the doorbell. Rita's mother answered to door promptly. "Hello Amy, are you here to see Rita? I think she's upstairs in her room." She said. "Yeah, thanks." Amy said. As she walked in, she could smell the decadent scent of pastries from the kitchen, which was accompanied by the sounds of Rita's father humming as he baked.

Amy walked upstairs looking for Rita's room. Luckily finding it was not difficult as there was a trail of crumbs leading to her room. Amy opened the door and walked in to see Rita stuffing herself on her bed. Most people would be put off by it, but Amy was used to it by now. "Hey Rita, how's it going?" Amy asked. "Ooh, Amy *stuff* I'm glad you came, uh one second." Rita said before forcing in the remainder of a large eclair. Rita was a very obese young woman, she had a massive belly that spread out on the bed, swollen perky breasts, and huge layered thighs. "Anyway, I'm glad you came. Wait. What's that in your hand?" Rita asked as she saw the note Amy received. "Oh this? It's a letter from Ton-Low University. They gave me a full scholarship to go, but I don't know if I want to." Amy explained. Rita's eyes lit up. "OMG, I got a full ride there too. We should both go and get fat together, it will be so much fun!" Rita exclaimed. "Aren't you already fat?" Amy asked. "Amy please, if I go to Ton-Low I can promise you this; my size would be puppy weight to what I could do there. I'm always limited by the small quantities of pastries my family brings home." Rita said confidently before forcing another eclair in.

Amy looked over behind Rita and saw the pile of empty boxes from today's excess supply. It was slightly disconcerting that Rita considered that amount of food "limited". "I'm telling you Amy, you will love it. And I'll help you work on your appetite while there's still time before the year starts." Rita said enthusiastically. "I don't know if my parents would approve of any of this." Amy said. "Who cares!? You're an adult now. Live a little, grow a lot, is what I say." Rita said. "I'll have to think about it. For now can we just play video games?" Amy asked. "Oh yeah, totally. Just...uh, give me a second." Rita said. She heaved herself out of bed before waddling over to the Playstation System and turning it back on. Suddenly the ceiling in Rita's room opened up and a TV descended. Rita lied back on her bed followed by Amy, who had just enough space to fit with Rita.

Amy came back home a few hours later. She checked the mailbox and as hoped, it was empty. Her parents took the false latter. She knocked on the door to let herself inside. "I'm back." "Hey Amy, did you have a fun time at Rita's?" Her mom asked while still on her bike, despite having started hours ago. "Yeah, I had a good time. Did the mail come?" Amy asked. "Oh yeah. It looks like you got an acceptance letter to Ton-Low university. I looked it up and it seems to be a good liberal arts school based on the letter and website. Odd that we never heard of it. They're offering you a full scholarship!" Amy's dad said from the living room. "Really?! When can I go?" She asked in an act of false excitement. She didn't entirely understand what the school really was, and needed to decide if she wanted to go to a school like that. "Apparently from what I looked up, there's a bus coming in to pick up incoming students in three weeks. Apparently they have a detailed and lengthy initiation process, so they have to bring in students early" Amy's dad explained. "Oh, well I'll start packing now!" Amy said.

Amy went upstairs, locked herself in her room, opened her browser and put in the URL on the real letter. A website opened up. Images of delicious looking food and overweight students appeared on screen. Then a video popped up in the middle of the page. Amy put in her headphones and watched in order to get a better understanding of what she was agreeing to.

"Welcome to the Ton-Low orientation video. We appreciate your decision to enter our university and change your life for the best, in our educated opinion. Each student will be picked up by shuttle bus and brought to campus. Once there you will be assigned to a room which will consist of a large apartment space. Roommates are optional.

As we have mentioned in the letter. The purpose of the school is to make our students as fat as possible. The curriculum consists of courses in which you eat copious amounts of prepared food, learn and practice certain lazy habits, or even experiment on making fattening food if that's more your speed.

The cafeteria is an all you can eat buffet, and there are many, many other eating facilities there as well. Your meal plan is unlimited meals and snacks. Additionally, you will have a stocked fridge everyday. Free room service will also be available.

As you continue your experience, you may find challenges along the way. But we here will cater to your every desire. Such difficulties as health concerns are a thing of the past thanks of our enhanced food built with the necessary medicines to permanently keep you healthy. Clothes getting too big? Ask one of our tailor's to design a custom outfit for your size and style. Mobility getting in the way? No problem! Once a student is rendered immobile, they have free roam of the campus benefits and are exempt from attending classes!"

Amy seemed more interested, but knowing that her parents won't let her go scot-free, she figured that this school had to be far away from them for her to be willing to go. She looked into where was the school and if there were optional references for locations. The website mentioned two different locations. One where they have paid actors to portray students and staff. That is the location the parents are made aware of. The other location, the real campus is practically in the middle of nowhere, not near anywhere else. Amy smiled. She closed the tab and removed it from her search and browser history. She got on her phone and quietly contacted the university to inform them or her attendance. Then she shredded the real letter and went to bed.

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