Part 3

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The next day Amy woke up to the sound of the gurgling mountains. She went through some fresh clothes to wear. As she did, she noticed that her old clothes didn't fit as well as they used to. They seemed more snug. Then she noticed her body, her stomach got a little muffin top and her legs and ass got a little plumper, although everything else was hidden with her ever-depleting muscle. The smell of fresh food came from the kitchen and pantry. Overnight, the campus workers worked to restock the fridges/pantries every day with fresh fattening food. The leftover food goes toward the massive overboard students.

Amy got on her outfit, tooked a couple Pop Tarts and left her room. She went over to Rita's room with Pop Tarts in her mouth to greet her good morning. She knocked on the door, which opened on its own. "Oh Rita! Morning time!" Amy said as she saw Rita lying on the floor. "*urrp* Good Morning Amy. God I feel bloated this morning." Rita was lying down on the floor, naked and notably fatter than last night. She had a large distended belly, her boobs were a couple sizes bigger, and her thighs had more rolls. "Wow, what happened?" Amy asked. "Last night some upperclassmen came in and stuffed me to the utter brim. But GOD it was good." Rita rolled around a bit until she finally got herself upright and on her feet. Rita waddled over to the pantry and quickly stuffed a slab of cake in her maw. "Wow, you really ate a lot. M-maybe we shouldn't go completely overboard. I don't know if I want that to happen to me." Amy said. She wasn't so sure how true those words were. "But It's all so good. The more of you there is, the more you'll love yourself. Anyway, you should have some breakfast." Rita said. "Oh I already ate a couple Pop Tarts." Amy said. "Oh come on Amy, you gotta have more than that. I'm gonna order us some pancakes. Did you know about the room services?" Rita asked as she picked up the phone. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Wait, then why do they have pantries and fridges if we can order our food?" Amy asked. "In case we need to eat something while we wait." Rita explained. The other end of the phone finally picked up. Rita said over the phone "Yes, I'd like to order a few large stacks of griddle pancakes.....Yes I'm sure I want that much.......An hour!? Are you....Fine. See you then." Rita hung up.

"I'm gonna head to the lounge areas while we wait. Just something to do." Amy said. "Okay, but be here in an hour." Rita said. Amy left the room and went downstairs to the student lounge. It was absolutely massive, like a whole building just for student leisure. She went to the restaurant section to see what that was about. The restaurant had some lighter weight students by comparison to Rita. They sat at tables eating with comparatively more composure. They weren't obese, but they still weighed more than Amy. She sat down at a table with some other girls and started eating whatever food was brought to the table.. She tried starting up conversation with the other girls with, "So what's it like here?" Amy asked "Oh it's great. The food here is absolutely divine. It's a wonder that so few people go into the deep end of fat. The classes are practically effortless and you can even do the classes from your room if you're feeling lazy enough, which they encourage" one of the girls said as she ate some scrambled eggs. Amy took a burger and bit into it. "Ohhh man, burgers are so good. I've never had these before!" She gushed as she but into the burger again "Yeah, I used to have nothing but Kale before I came here. But now it's burgers, and pizza, and fried food all the time." One girl said. "It's great right! So much flavor and so many ways of eating. It's all too good!" Another girl said.

Several minutes go by with Amy and the others talking and ordering more and more food. Even throughout all of the messy eating, she didn't even notice how full her stomach was getting. She shrugged and continued eating nothing but fried foods. All of the girls puffed out with fat as they continued to eat at the table. They showed no signs of slowing down, even as they started to order slightly larger portions. Once Amy couldn't take any more she leaned back in her chair, her overstuffed gut was starting to turn a little red and sag. "*Huff* Hey, this was fun. But I got a friend to meet up with, so maybe I'll see you around." Amy said as she got up and started walking away. The other girls waved goodbye before ordering more food.

Amy went back to her room and put on some bigger clothes with her so she can have more room for her belly. Then she walked back to Rita's room. She knocked on the door while munching on a leftover burger from the restaurant. "Yes? *gulp* Who is it?" Rita asked with an evident mouthful of food. "Hey Rita, it's Amy. Can I come inside?" Amy asked. "Uh *urrp* sure." Rita waddled over to her door and opened it to let Amy in. Rita had several food stains on her from her waiting for breakfast. She had ransacked her pantry and stuffed herself with several cakes and boxes of cookies. Amy came inside and got some cheesecake from the fridge. "So Rita, am I making some progress yet?" Amy asked. She showed off her newly developed belly and swayed it in front of Rita. "Given how you looked a few weeks ago, I'd say so!" Rita said as she started eating some cookies. "Good. I'm starting to enjoy this." Amy picked at her cheesecake and took a little bite. She loved the taste, so she shoved the rest in quickly.

"So what did you do in the lounge?" Rita asked. "Oh yeah, I went to the restaurant they had there. They had all this delicious fried food. " She smiled and rubbed her swollen stomach. "This might take a while to settle. Good thing room service is so slow". Amy said. "Oh, sounds like fun. But I think I'll stick to eating here" Rita said as she lifted the rest of the plate of cookies over her maw so they would fall directly into it. Amy picked up some more cheesecake and started eating it.

Soon the doorbell rang and the workers came in with trays of massive piles of pancakes. "Yay *burrp* breakfast!" Rita said with a mouthful of cake. The workers moved the trays in front of Rita and Amy and walked away. Rita buried her face in one of the piles of pancakes. "Oh god! It's so good! *burrp*" Amy started eating too with glee. Even though she was stuffed from earlier, she still felt oddly hungry. The pancakes they ate were bigger than their heads.

After a few minutes of eating, Amy sat back with a massive stuffed belly. "*Huff* That's it. I'm at my limit." Amy muttered. Amy managed to finish one stack of griddle pancakes. Rita was still going to town on her pancakes and was in the middle of her 8th pancake. "*gulp* So good, need more *stuff*" Rita said while keeping her maw stuffed with pancake. Her belly was getting big enough to where she was placing the giant pancakes on her belly before they got eaten, covering the whole belly in butter and syrup. Amy heaved herself up and said. "I think I need to take a nap, I'm gonna go back to my room for a bit. Ok?" Rita responded with so much food in her maw that she couldn't be understood, even by the guy writing this, so Amy walked out assuming Rita wouldn't mind. Amy walked over to her apartment. On her way over, some of the thinner feeder students gazed at her stuffed belly, making note of her quick gain since she started. Once Amy got into her room, she walked over to her room and collapsed on her bed.

A few hours passed and Amy woke up with hunger pains. She felt bloated, but noticed her belly was not as large as it was previously. Her thighs and breasts were thicker and strained her outfit. "Oh my god, I'm so hungry, I gotta eat something!" Amy said. She took off her tight jeans and waddled over to her kitchen. Just as she opened the pantry, she heard a knock on the door. She grabbed a large cookie and walked to the door. She opened it to find three guys standing in front of her. "What do you three want?" Amy asked while munching on her cookie. They all stared at her for a couple moments before one of them spoke up. "Uh hi, I'm Luke, and these are my mates from the feeder course. Um, we kinda saw you around and we wanted to know if you wanted to be... fed?" Luke explained. Amy stuffed the rest of her cookie in, then she smiled slyly and said "Well now that you mention it, I was feeling kinda peckish, and my poor belly got smaller". "Well, we would love to feed you, we'll make sure you're nice and full." Luke said.

Amy stepped back and let Luke and his friends in. She sat down on her couch and relaxed. Luke and his friends scrambled through Amy's pantry and fridge and pulled out all manner of food. They got out bowls of candy, chocolates, and chips. There were also plates of cookies, donuts, sausages, a large cake, and even more. They placed the pile of food on the coffee table in front of Amy. Her belly rumbled at the sight of all the food. Then one of Luke's friends went back into the kitchen to start preparing meats and pizzas for Amy. "I hope you got enough to feed me. I'm VERY hungry." Amy said. Luke started by grabbing a bowl of candy. "Open wide." Luke said. Amy opened her mouth as wide as she could. Luke tipped over the bowl of candy so all the candy fell directly into Amy's mouth. "Mmmm, *chew**chew* what else you got? Gimme something bigger" Amy said.

"Okay. Fine." Luke pulled out a giant five pound gummy bear. Amy's eyes widened, not just because of the gummy bear, but because she saw three others on the table among the various foods there. She realized the ride she was in for tonight. "You can handle this, right?" Luke asked. "Of course, bring it on!" Amy said, trying to maintain her confidence. "Good." Luke said. He cut the gummy bear in half and handed one half of it to his friend next to him. They both got in front of Amy and took turns forcing each half of the gummy bear into her maw. Amy was able to hold the gummy bear in her maw due to her expanded cheeks, but barely. After enough chewing, she swallowed the whole load of gummy bear, her belly pushed out just from that. "*huff* Ugh, that was good. I think I can fit mor-" Amy was suddenly cut off by another whole gummy bear being forced in her mouth. She barely had time to chew and swallow it before Luke was forcing another one in. "Oh god, it's gonna be a long night." she said as she looked at the whole feast in front of her.

Many hours passed, Amy had finally finished the last deep dish pizza that Luke's friend made, leaving Luke and his friends out of food. Amy was in a food coma, barely able to think or speak at all. Luke and his friends looked at their handy work with total satisfaction. Amy's belly had swollen to ridiculous proportions, it extended beyond her couch and hit the floor as she sat there, whereas the rest of her body seemed thinner, but still chubby, by comparison. Luke and his friends started to walk out of the room, but just before they opened the door, Amy finally gathered her bearings and said "Hey, come by another time?". "Oh yeah, you're a total glutton. I would love to feed you again." Luke said before closing the door. Amy passed out immediately after.

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