Part 4

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The next day, Amy woke again to the sound of gurgling. When she woke up, she thought at first that they were the sounds of the gurgling mountains of fat that surrounded the campus again, but she soon realized that most of it was coming from her. She got up to discover that her thighs and breasts have gotten enormous, with many flabby rolls. Her belly has formed into a decent sized double belly that just barely started to sag. And her face had grown fatter as well with a newly formed double chin to go with it. "My old pants aren't gonna fit me anymore. I guess I should start wearing the fat clothes." Any thought to herself. Amy waddled over to her dresser to find a large pair of shorts. She decided to put on a pair that had just enough room for her. She figured that nobody would blame her if she outgrew her outfit.

Amy stepped out of her room and made her way over to Rita's room. As she made her way over to Rita's room, she got a few stares from nearby feeder students who were making note of her rolls. She knocked on Rita's door and it opened. "Morning Rita, how are y- OH GOD!" Amy said as she saw Rita sitting and gorging herself on the couch. Rita's belly had developed several horribly massive love handles that stacked on top of each other and reached the floor as she sat on the couch. Her arms were very wobbly with rolls larger than her head. Her thighs were a mess of rolls that were obscured by her belly. All of her rolls were caked in food, grease and frosting. Rita had her face buried in a massive bowl of sweets, it had cookies, gummies, cupcakes, and they were all mixed in an ocean of frosting and lard.

"Oh *burp* hi Amy. Don't mind me, I'm just having my mid-half-hour snack *guzzle*." Rita said with a mouthful of food. Amy just sighed, she was surprised by the size of her friend but not her attitude or appetite. "Uh, cool Rita. We're both getting fatter pretty quickly. My fat even got attention from some feeders yesterday. I'm really loving this feeling, and I really want more of it." Amy said, almost desperately. "Well then get some food out of the pantry so we can pack our bellies even fuller!" Rita exclaimed as she finished off her bowl and opened a large box of donuts. Amy didn't hesitate and waddled over to the pantry, stepping over several empty boxes of pastries that Rita left behind. She opened the pantry and grabbed as many snacks as she could, each one she put in her arms made her hungrier. Meanwhile, Rita called room service and ordered more and more food to be delivered as soon as possible.

After assembling all the snacks and bringing them to the living room, Amy sat down in the couch next to Rita's. Amy's fat didn't take up much space on her couch as Rita's did on her's, but she didn't mind too much. Once they got nice and comfortable, Rita turned on the TV to watch food network and then both of them tore into their piles of food. Amy was shoving large cupcakes in her maw, two at a time. Meanwhile Rita had placed some boxes of donuts on her enormous but perky breasts and grabbed a fat handful of donuts before shoving them in her maw. "This is the best food ever! I don't wanna stop!" Amy moaned with a large cinnamon roll in her mouth. Rita merely replied with muffled moaning as she ate a massive pile of cookies.

Within minutes, the room service people arrived. They entered and brought in several enormous trays of food. There were deep dish pizzas, quadruple patty burgers, massive boars, steaks, and other slabs of meat. They even brought in two big tanks of lard. Upon seeing all the food in front of her, Amy was taken somewhat aback by how much Rita ordered, but she was more surprised with Rita said "A good start, but we're gonna need, like, three more orders." The room service people nodded their heads and left the room. Rita heaved her mass up to reach the plates of steaks and boars and placed them on her massive chest. She opened her maw to an impressive size and inhaled three steaks at once. "I never knew how good meat was before I came here. I only ate sweets before, but now I want BOTH." Rita moaned as she inhaled three more steaks. Her mass visibly bulked outwards.

Amy started working away and the pizzas and burgers. The amount of grease and flavor overwhelmed her tongue and she started forcing slices and burgers in faster, sometimes both at once. Amy's thighs and breasts were bulking out in steady streaks and ripping apart her outfit, but she didn't care and neither did Rita. The food was all they cared about. The more they ate, the fatter they got. The fatter they got, the hungrier they became. And the hungrier they got, the more they ate. "More, MORE, MOAR!" they both moaned with food in their mouths.

Rita and Amy spent the next 24 hours eating nonstop, and as a result, they both grew notably larger. Amy's thighs had grown large enough to cover most of her couch by now and her belly descended onto the floor and extended a couple inches. Her breasts had ripped apart her top long ago and swayed with every little movement of her enormous arms. She now struggled to get up to grab more food from the tray but her struggle to get up was overcome by her insatiable cravings. Rita's mass outgrew her couch hours ago and spread out in all directions. Her ass had grown enough rolls to cushion her mass in her couch's stead. Her thighs were encased in cellulite, but they were covered completely obscured by her massive belly that pushed forward a few feet and pinned her down. Her arms and hands were having a difficult time moving. Her face grew much fatter and could store more food at once. With her mobility given up, she took in food from a feeding tube the room service people installed for her.

Amy heaved herself up out of the couch, the legs of which creaked from relief. "Hey *burrp* Rita, I'm gonna go, I need to sleep so I can have the energy to eat *burrp*." Amy said. Rita didn't respond, she just sat there and devoured large slabs of meat via her feeding tube. Amy smiled and waddled out of Rita's room. Amy's hips and breasts swayed as she heaved her horrible mess of fat rolls over to her room. Her belly was mere inches from the floor as she walked around. She entered her room and her stomach growled, causing her whole body to jiggle. "Ugh, I need food, but I also gotta sleep." Amy waddled to her bedroom and saw a button next to her bed labeled "Bed Tube". "Huh, was that always there? Whatever, let's see what it does." Amy thought to herself. Amy lied down on her bed, which creaked until she was all the way down. Then she pressed the button with her chubby hand. Suddenly a tube came down from the ceiling. Amy reached for the tube and shoved it in her maw. After a couple seconds, a slow stream of lard started flowing through the tube. Amy's rolls shuddered before she fell asleep.

The next day, Amy woke up feeling more bloated than ever. She opened her eyes and noticed that her belly obscured her vision as lard continued to flow into her maw. She reached out and pressed the tube button. The lard flow stopped and the tube retracted into the ceiling. Amy heaved herself up and got in front of her mirror. She took a minute to look at her obese body. Her face was covered in lard stains and had massive chubby cheeks. Her thighs were jiggling constantly and were caked in rolls, her arms were thicker than her head, her breasts were massive and partially obscured her vision as she stood. And with all the lard the mindlessly took in last night as she slept, her double belly now reached the floor as she stood. Amy was a wobbling mess of gluttony, and she loved it! She started feeling out her rolls and massaging her belly. Then she waddled into the kitchen, grabbed a cake out of her pantry and yelled "I love this school!" before burying her face in the cake.

Meanwhile in Rita's room, her immobile mass was still being fed via feeding tube. Her mass was beginning to cover up more of her living space. She was a little lake of fat in her own room that kept eating and getting bigger. As she sat there inhaling a massive lard cake, the only words she could think to herself were. "Not.....enough....still too *guzzle* small...."

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