Part 5

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A couple days had passed since Amy had fallen in love with her obesity. The fall semester of Ton Low University had begun. However, due to the size of Amy and Rita, they were not required to physically attend class. Instead, their "assignments" would be sent to their respective dorms. But with all the food they ate, they didn't think twice about the extra food and ate it like everything else.

Amy stepped out of her dorm room one morning. She was wearing next to nothing as she didn't feel like keeping her fat contained. Her rolls jiggled constantly as she waddled around the grounds of her dorm. She was feeling peckish that morning and wanted to show off how much she could consume to her peers before her fat pinned her down. She decided to go to the restaurant in the dorm lounge. She made her way down and found the girls who she ate with previously. "Hey girls!" Amy shouted as she made her way over to them. The girls all stopped their eating and gasped as they saw this behemoth of a woman bounding over to them. "Amy?" one of them asked hesitantly. "Yeah of course it's *gurgle* me." Amy replied. "What happened to you? You're so fat." another said. "Yeah, it feels sooooo good. I LOVE how much of me there is. Anyway, you girls have gotten fatter too." Amy wasn't wrong, the rest of the girls spent the last few days pigging out, but even the fattest of them was only about half as heavy as Amy. "Anyway, I'm not here to talk. I'm here to EAT. Can I get some chairs please?" Amy said. The girls got up and moved three chairs over to one side of the table to allow Amy enough space to sit down.

Amy sat down and a waiter came by to take Amy's order. "I'm hungry. I want 50 foot-long hotdogs, about 5 dozen triple patty burgers, a dozen pizzas, few double fudge lard cakes, and a large bowl of warm melted chocolate." Amy asked without the slightest hesitation. The other girls gasped at how much she asked for. One of them even asked "Wait, is that for us to share? Or-" "NO! It's all for me. You girls get what you want for yourselves." Amy retorted. Amy rested her fat filled hands on her belly and waited patiently for her food to arrive.

Within a few minutes Amy was scarfing down long hotdogs and massive burgers mindlessly. Her fat belly bulked out bit by bit as she kept scarfing down the food in front of her. Soon the pizzas arrived. "Hey girls. Wanna see something cool?" Amy asked. She stacked all the pizzas on top of each other so all the slices were aligned. Then she grabbed one end of the pizza stack with her swollen hands and pulled out a stack of twelve slices. She opened her maw wide before forcing all twelve slices in at once. A messy pile of dough, cheese, sauce, and meats sloshed inside Amy's fat face before she swallowed and grabbed another stack. The girls gave looks of awe and disgust as they watched Amy pig out and swell up in front of them.

Soon Amy's main course was finished and her cakes and bowl of chocolate came out. "Ah! Dessert! The best part of my meals" Amy lifted the bowl of warm melted chocolate and started draining it into her maw. Some of the chocolate fell from out of the bowl and onto her belly. It fell over the hill that was her expanding belly in all directions. "*gulp* I *gulp**gulp* LOVE *gulp* CHOCOLATE" Amy moaned as she continued to drain the chocolate into her maw. Soon the bowl was empty and a creaking sound could be heard from underneath Amy. "Uh Amy? Maybe you should slow down. I don't think those chairs can hold you much longer." one of the girls said. "I'll stop when I'm done!" Amy shouted back rudely. "I still need to finish my cakes." Amy said as she looked out to her two massive cakes. She reached out and grabbed two slices, one in each hand and shoved them in her mouth at the same time. Her eyes rolled back slightly as her taste buds were in ecstasy from the flavor of the cake. "I can't help myself!" Amy said suddenly before forcing her fat face into her cakes and pigging out. The chairs creaked louder from the strain.

As Amy finished off the last chunk of cake, her chairs gave out and her mass fell down. Fortunately, her ass was large enough to cushion her fall. Her mass was a horrible mess of rolls that was covered in chocolate and cake dough. "*burrp* Ugh, that was a good snack. I think I'm gonna go home and have breakfast." Amy said. She tried to push herself off of the ground, but found that she couldn't. She was too fat to get off the ground! "Uh, hey girls, a *burrp* little help, please?" Amy asked. Amy's fat friends got up from the table, waddled around Amy and each grabbed ahold of a different mound of her mass. They all heaved upward as hard as they could until they somehow got Amy to stand up. They all puffed and wheezed as Amy stood up, her rolls wobbling. "Thanks girls! I'm just too fat for my own good!" Amy said happily. The other girls gave looks of exhaustion and envy as they made their way to the table to order food and rest from their ordeal.

Amy waddled out of the restaurant, her arms resting on her top belly roll. As she made her way to her room, Amy noticed that she was struggling to walk around. Every step she took was beginning to become an ordeal as she had to heave her massive thighs upward and forward. After making it back to her room, Amy quickly waddled over to her couch and plopped down on it, taking up most of the space on it. "Ok *huff* that's it. No more moving. Too hard. If I need to move, I'll just get moved on a dolly." Amy said to herself. Her belly began to rumble again. "Oh right. Breakfast time." Amy said. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Luke's number. Luke picked up quickly "Hey Amy, what's up?" Luke asked. "I need food, lots of it, and right now. This piggy is very hungry" Amy said. "Oh, well. I don't know if I can fit you in right now." Luke said, playing hard to get. "Please! FEED ME! I need to get fatter! I don't wanna move any more. I want to be a fat, lazy cow!" Amy begged. "Ok, I'll come over in a few minutes." Luke said slyly.

Meanwhile, in Rita's room, her mass continued to expand in all directions. She was totally immobile and was being fed by machines installed in her room. Aside from a feeding tube, which provided a steady stream of lard, butter, cookie dough, and frosting, she had two machines that prepared food for her and fed her. The machines would take various food stuffs from the kitchen and pantry and either feed it to her if it was already premade, or cook the food in the kitchen before feeding it to her. Additionally, there was a third machine installed next to her door that was specifically placed to feed her whatever food assignments she received. With all that going on at once, there was always a massive pile of food being forced in her inhuman maw. Rita very rarely chewed her food, and just allowed the food to slosh in her mouth and on her tongue before swallowing it whole and awaiting the next batch.

However, she wasn't eating mindlessly or without intent. She was desperately trying to get exponentially fatter than she was now. The massive pile of expanding rolls and love handles, the mass that began to overtake the furniture surrounding her, even the food, as decadent as it was, meant next to nothing to her as long as she knew that just within the sight she had that wasn't obscured by her fat were massive mountains of fat on the edge of the campus property. But all that spurred her to keep eating and growing. "Triple...the *gulp* tube flow....put more butter in *guzzle* my food...and make it bigger *burrp* MUCH BIGGER!" Rita demanded as she inhaled a 20 foot long hotdog. She lied her head back onto her top back roll and relaxed as the machines worked to comply with her gluttonous demands. "Must...get....fatter...still so small...." Rita thought to herself.

Meanwhile back in Amy's room. Amy sat back on the couch that barely supported her size as Luke and his friends kept preparing more and more food for Amy to eat. As she waited for the food to get finished, she was munching on a pile of donuts Luke brought into the room with him. The pile was so massive that even after 30 minutes, Amy wasn't done eating them, despite the fact that she ate handfuls of donuts like it was a handful of chips every few seconds. But soon many dings were coming from the kitchen. The smell of the decadent foods wafting through the air caused Amy to drool profusely. "Bring me my food! I'm so *stuff* hungry!" Amy said as she stuffed another handful of donuts into her maw.

Luke walked in with a large ham in his hands and stepped in front of Amy. "Ok Amy, I'm gonna explain how we're gonna do this feeding. But first, here's a ham." Luke held the ham in front of Amy and she immediately snached it away and started shredding it up. "Ok. So here's the deal. For now you're mobile enough to where you can, and probably will, feed yourself faster than I or any of my mates can, so we have set up a bit of a service system. So we're gonna send in trays of food from the kitchen on these little conveyor belts surrounding you. Each belt will stop when there's food on the end of it" Luke explained. Amy looked up and noticed that there were five conveyor belts that all ended within arms reach surrounding her. "Now, if you end up getting full, or have some other need, just yell and I'll come in. I hope you're hungry!" Luke said. "Oh please, it's not about being hungry anymore, it's about being greedy enough to eat everything anyway!" Amy acknowledged as she finished off the ham. "Fair enough. Then eat like the greedy cow you are!" Luke said as he went back to the kitchen.

Suddenly the conveyor belts started moving, Amy could see food coming from all different directions, and she loved it. She loved the idea of getting surrounded and trapped by a wall of food! Soon the conveyor belts stopped. One tray had a pile of hotdogs, another pile of triple patty burgers, the third had stuffed crust pizzas, the fourth had a tall pile of fries, and the fifth had an enormous pile of triple chocolate chip cookies. Amy furiously tore into the piles of food in front of her. She used both her hands to grab large handfuls of pizza and burgers and forced them into her greedy face. She stuffed as much food in her fat cheeks as possible before swallowing it, and going back for more. Amy grabbed a handful of cookies and stuffed them in her maw, covering her teeth and tongue in chocolate. "Hey Luke! I need a bucket of butter! I *burrrrp* need more flavor on *stuff* *guzzle* these irresistible cookies!" Amy said before stuffing more cookies in.

Luke came out with a large vat of butter and placed it inside Amy's cleavage. "There you go! Anything else I can get you Amy?" Luke asked excitedly. "Just get more food ready!" Amy said as she stuffed some burgers into the vat of butter before stuffing them in her maw. "MMMM! It's so much better with butter!" Amy kept forcing more of her food into the vat of butter before stuffing the butter covered food into her massive maw.

Soon she had finished all five trays and was covered in bunches of food, grease and butter. "*burrp* That was a good snack." Amy said. Her belly had expanded in front of her. Her massive thighs pushed her upper mass higher up from the couch. Her breasts had destroyed her clothes and expanded to their full size, which rested firmly in front of her chins. Her arms and hands had also grown thicker and began to lose their shape. Soon she saw the conveyor belts move and saw more piles of food roll towards her. "Alright, let's get started." Amy licked her lips.

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