Part 6

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Several days passed, during which Amy and Rita continued their feeding and gaining in their own ways. Amy had grown immense over the last few days after being fed almost constantly by Luke and his friends. Her mass had grown out of hand and made her totally immobile and crushed the couch. Her thighs were more than 2 meters thick and her massive breasts extended forward and lightly pressed onto the wall in front of her. As she gained, she had to be placed on a mobile platform that could move her massive body as needed, mostly to keep her fat from breaking the walls. Once her hands could no longer feed her, Luke and his friends set up food shutes that dropped piles of food directly into her maw. Presently she was devouring a torrent of vanilla ice cream.

*gulp**gulp*gulp* "Soooooo good" Amy thought to herself as more ice cream kept falling in her mouth. Her mass bulked out bit by bit as more ice cream fell into her maw. "Mmmm, more... I don't want it to stop...." Amy thought to herself, keeping her mind fresh with more gluttonous thoughts. Suddenly, the room started to shake and her food tube stopped. "Whoa, whoa, what's *burrp* going on!?" Amy asked. A loud series of crashes followed outside of Amy's room followed by another loud crash that shook the whole building.

"Take me outside, let's see what happened." Amy said to Luke. "Sure, one second." Luke pressed a button and the mobile platform sprung to life and started slowly moving Amy's mass outside of her room. Her mass vibrated with the movement of the platform. "Oooooohh, that feels gooood." Amy moaned. Eventually Amy's mass was completely moved out of her room and she saw what made all that noise. "Oh my..." Amy stuttered.

Amy looked out and saw that a massive chunk of the building had collapsed under the weight of some massive pink blob that was significantly larger than even the largest of dorm rooms. Amy moved her head as far forward as her chins would allow her and she realized what it was. That massive pink blob was Rita! She had grown enormous by consuming an immense amount of fattening food over the past several days. Her belly contained most of the fat and had spread out throughout her dorm room. As she had gained more and more, her mass had broken out of her apartment into other dorm rooms until the floor beneath her could no longer support her weight and caused her mass to fall through to the bottom floor. Even after that, her belly could be seen grumbling from hunger. "So hungry, must get bigger, bigger, BIGGER!" Rita moaned.

Amy looked at Rita in utter disbelief. She couldn't believe how massive her friend has gotten and that she still wanted to get fatter. Sure, Amy loved being fat and eating, but she still felt she had SOME control. "So *gurgle* what's gonna happen to her?" Amy asked Luke. "Um, well I think the school is gonna need to move her away from the apartments. Then they're probably gonna take her to the underground facility to fatten her up." Luke explained. "Fatten her up!? Is she seriously not fat enough?" Amy asked. "Well, yes and no. She's definitely too fat to remain in the dorms or classrooms. But she's probably gonna be made into another mountain, so she's gonna need to be made fatter to meet that criteria." Luke explained.

Suddenly Amy started to turn red and cry. She was upset because her close friend was gonna be taken away from her to god knows where. "Oh no, what I am I gonna do without her!?" Amy bawled. Luke and his friends tried to calm her down, but nothing seemed to work. It was only made worse once Amy saw large construction vehicles come by to remove Rita from the property. "No! Rita!" Amy called out to her from the walkway. Rita didn't respond and merely kept muttering "Gotta get fatter, gotta get fatter" over and over until eventually all her mass was heaved up and moved away. Amy sat back on her thigh rolls, with her face buried in her chins wondering what she would do. Then her stomach growled harshly. "Take me back to my room." Amy finally said.

A few hours later Rita found herself in a poorly lit underground room that is the size of a dozen football stadiums. The room had a small pipe that flowed from the ceiling and poured a small but steady stream of lard into Rita's mouth. To Rita however, such an amount of lard was insignificant to her and her belly growled in hunger. Suddenly, above her, a screen descended from the ceiling and turned on. Rita could see the image of a man sitting at his desk. She could tell from the quality of the video that she was watching something that was pre recorded. "Dear student," the man began to say "you are here because your insatiable desire to get bigger and fatter has caused your size to supersede the physical limits of the dorm room we assigned to you. To allow you to continue to gain in the dorms would be putting both yourself and others at risk." Rita yelled in disapproval, thinking that they were gonna stop her from gaining soon. "However," the man continued, "we have no intention to stop you from gaining. In fact, you will be gaining and eating at quite an exponential rate moving forward. As I'm sure you know, several of our students are so large that they make up several of the floors of the campus and even the mountains that surround the property. You are going to be made into a mountain of fat and be just like them. But to do that, you need to eat. Then you will eat more, and more, and more. The rate and quantity of food you will be fed will increase overtime so quickly that however much you eat today will compare to a tiny portion of what you will eat tomorrow." the man explained. Rita began drooling profusely during this description, causing her multiple chins to get soaked in drool. The man continued, "But I'm sure I've wasted enough of your time. Enjoy your feeding." Then the video ended and the screen retracted into the ceiling.

Rita could feel the room virate a bit as bits of the ceiling opened up to reveal multiple large feeding pipes. They began to descend towards Rita's maw. Rita eagerly opened her maw to allow the tubes space to get in. Suddenly the pipes began to fill with all manner of food stuffs. One was pushing huge chunks of deep fried meat from the heaviest animals on the planet, including whole pigs, cows, turkeys, chunks of elephants, and whale calves into her maw. Another pipe pushed large pastries, including cookies, cupcakes, pies, eclairs and multilayered cakes. A third one was pouring in a torrent of 100% fat milk. A fourth one was pushing in an assortment of enormous fast foods, such as burgers, hotdogs, tacos, pizzas, french fries, and even whole fried chickens. And a fifth pipe was pumping a fast stream of lard. All of these pipes were flowing their foodstuffs into Rita's maw at once. Her belly began to expand gradually as she took in more and more "Yes! So much FOOD!" Rita thought to herself.

Meanwhile, back in Amy's room, she has been moved back into her feeding space and had resumed eating her ice cream. *gulp**gulp*gulp* "I need more ice cream Luke! It's not enough to feel *guzzle* better! *burrp*" Amy said before getting cut off by more ice cream. "It's already flowing so fast, you sure you can keep up?" Luke asked. "Yes! Don't worry *guzzle* about it. Just get me MO-" Amy was suddenly cut off by the ice cream flow increasing. "I have to get fatter, I can't do this without Rita. Even if I have to get fatter than her" Amy thought to herself. "Luke, feed me more food! And larger portions! I'm hungry!" Amy demanded. Luke pressed another button and a series of large hams fell into the stream of ice cream. "*guzzle* MORE!" Amy moaned. "Uh..uh" Luke stammered before pressing another button. Along with the hams, a series of massive eclairs started falling into the flow of ice cream. Amy's thighs and breasts started pushing out in little but consistent bulks, her belly expanded in front of her, and her fat face got obscured by the torrent of food falling on her face. "*slurp* Ugh! Must *guzzle* have *gulp* *gulp* *gulp* MOAR!" Amy moaned.

A couple days passed and Amy's weight spiralled out of control. She was so desperate to gain weight that she refused to let the flow of food stop. Even while she was asleep, she kept her maw open to allow food to continue to fall in. Luke and the others did what they could to keep up with her demands, but as those demands kept increasing, they made the food preparation more automated and merely worked to keep her mass comfortable. As Amy took up more and more space, Luke and his friends moved out furniture and tore down walls to allow more space for her to grow. She had grown so big that her thighs took up most of the floor of her dorm room, her breasts grew so big that they were twice as big as any of the guys taking care of her and pressed against the front and side walls of her dorm. Amy's belly spread out in all directions for several meters. Her face and arms had lost their shape and were encased in fat. But Amy didn't care, she just wanted to get fat enough to gain weight with Rita again.

Amy was taking in more fattening food one morning and she felt the floor sink a bit beneath her. "Oh, uh Luke! Stop for a second, I need to talk to you." Amy yelled with a mouthful of pastries. Luke looked up to her with a surprised look before turning the pipes off. "Ok, uh, is everything ok?" Luke asked. "You haven't asked to stop for days." he continued. "Yeah, believe me, I'm still starving. But I need to tell you that I really appreciate everything you and your friends have done. You've helped me get SOOO fat, but my floor is giving out, and we both know what that means." Amy said. "Oh believe me, I figured that this is what you were going for." Luke said. "Yeah, just remember that when you see two more mountains of fat wobbling and eating like two greedy whales in the horizon, just know that you helped make one of those." Amy said. Her belly began to growl. "Ugh, FEED ME!" Amy moaned, unable to restrain her hunger. Luke smirked and pressed the button on his remote and the entire ceiling opened up to lower an enormous chocolate cake onto Amy's face. As soon as the cake made contact with Amy's maw, she started to shred it apart. "YES! *munch* *gulp* I LOVE CAKE! *burrp*" Amy moaned.

As Amy continued to devour the cake, the floor began to sink more and more as her increasing weight was becoming too much for the floor to support. She kept eating more cake and her mass fell through the floor. "Yes! Here I come Rita!" Amy thought to herself. Amy fell through two more floors of dorms and collapsed on the ground floor of the building. Even after that, she was still devouring more of the cake, indifferent to the impact of her fall or the debris under her. Soon she was surrounded by large construction vehicles that lifted her mass in sections. She was so fat that it required three trucks for each of her thighs and two for each of her breasts.

Within a few hours she was sent to the underground facility that Rita was in. Amy looked at Rita's enormous belly expanding as the center of her mass was being fed by absurd quantities of food. Her titanic ass was obscured by her immense layers of back fat that were each as heavy as a school bus. Her arms were no longer recognizable as arms and merely resembled sacks of pure cellulite. Rita's breasts, while not large next to her belly, were still bigger than Amy was when she weighed just under 3 tons and had lost their consistent spherical shape, and was just another two sets of lovehandles. Her face, which was buried under tens of dozens of chins, couldn't see that Amy had joined her. The only reason that she ever noticed for a moment that Amy was there was because Amy's thighs were pressed against her thighs. She was so engrossed in her eating that she didn't even moan to greet her. But all Amy thought to herself was "Wow, I have SO much catching up to do." Soon the ceiling opened and a set of massive feeding tubes descended from the ceiling and entered Amy's maw before pumping in the same quantities of food that Rita was being fed. "YES! FOOD! SO MUCH!" Amy thought as the myriad of flavors exploded in her maw. Amy's fat began to swell as time passed. "Yes! Bigger...fatter...more..." Amy started repeating to herself.

Several weeks had passed since the day when Amy and Rita reunited in their efforts to gain weight. Each day that passed was a new limit surpassed in their size and greediness. As they consumed more and more and piled on more tons of cellulite by the day, their dependency on food increased. Eventually, eating and getting fatter were the only things they were capable of keeping on their minds. It didn't even become about their pleasure or goals. Their sheer obsession with food and getting fatter just superseded all other thoughts. By the time that they were released from the underground facility and placed on the property as mountains of fat, they were notably fatter than most of the other mountains next to them, yet they still wanted more food all the time. The other students that still lived in the dorms, both gainers and feeders, would look at them every morning with envy, with the exception of Luke, who would look at Amy with a prideful smile.

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