You Did It

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The light breeze graced my flushed cheeks as I stood in the silence between us. His questions berating me, forcing me to put my hands up in defeat early on. Why did I leave? I literally laughed out loud. That was a loaded question. How come I haven't come back but once since then? Oh it could be the laundry list of things I had in mind. Was I seeing someone now? I don't think that is something I can answer right this second. Or this trip for that matter.

I scuffed my black sandals against the ground. My arms had found a place permanently across my chest since I got in Kolby's old rusty truck back at Becky's. I turned my head, looking at the house. "So, when did you buy this mansion over here?" 

"I had it built." Brantley answered, trying so hard not to make eye contact with me. 

I whipped my head back to face him. His expression looked how my heart felt. I was afraid that he was going to ask me to go inside. I don't know if I could bear it after hearing that. I swallowed hard, about to change the subject. But he spoke before I could. 

"Let me show you around." He replied, his voice low. Not the sexy low that would have me weak at the knees. The sincere low that he always used after we had an argument. Or when he would come home wasted beyond repair and feel bad the next morning. 

"Sure." I hesitantly agreed, closing my eyes as he turned his back to me and led us to the front porch. Great. I was not prepared for this. Although, I didn't quite know what to expect when I drunkenly agreed out of spite to come over with Kolby. He did egg me on a little. And I can't say no to a challenge. 

We made our way up the large stone steps. A porch swing on one side. Beautiful throw pillows on each end. Becky's doing for sure. I smiled lightly at the thought of her decorating his house. He probably stomped his foot like a two year old behind her back the whole time. But he would never say no to her. She was his angel. 

Brantley opened the double doors that adorned the front of the house. He stepped aside, letting me walk by. I stood in the foyer, taking it all in. Oh my God. This was it. I turned to him again as I did in the driveway a few moments earlier. My eyes searched his. I bit my lip, trying to keep the tears from coming. 

There were no words exchanged between the two of us. Brantley continued on in to the house and I followed. I ran my hand against the cool dark marble of the island. I peered up at the pictures on the wooden mantle of the stone fireplace. I was in awe of the antler chandelier that hung over a small round table with a handful of chairs around it. I twirled around, looking at every inch, every detail, every memory already made in this wonderful home. 

"Want to see downstairs?" He asked, pointing his thumb over his left shoulder. 

I smiled and nodded my head, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. I ran my hand along the pine railing as the stairs opened up in to an in home gym. My absolute dream. I placed my right hand to my chest as though it quite literally took my breath away. 

"You did it." I said, looking up at him standing next to me to my right. "You built the home that we had planned together." 

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