○• At the Lake •○

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Hey this is me from the future, the writing quality is pretty bad right now, ill be reworking all of my current chapters, starting with this one, My more recent uploads are better quality.. It's fixed now. enjoy reading hopefully.

Aether took of his clothes carefully, and then placed them at the side of the lake so that they wouldn't get wet. He glanced over at the water before getting in, slowly inserting his foot into the cold yet warm water. "DAMN!, I wasn't expecting it to be this cold" Aether said as he had now put both of his legs in the water. "But I think im starting to get used to it?" Aether situated his body to fully be in the water so it could reach up to his collarbones, he carefully took out his braid, his hair curly from being in a braid for so long. " wow! it's been awhile since I got to relax like this." Aether said before anxiously looking around for any threat. "there aren't any hilichurls around are there? Well I just hope that nothing interrupts my relaxation time, this area isn't really populated and there are trees around me so I should be fine" Aether sighed as he had then started to wash his hair in the water for his weekly clean up. (I guess you could say this is a head canon of mine, I imagine he washes his body in a nearby lake or so when he doesn't have an available bathroom near him.)

 Xiao looked out at the scenery while sitting on the edge of the rail at the Wangshu Inn, he had been bored of nothing to do and wanted to walk around. Xiao appeared at the area Aether was close to and begun walking around, he felt the wind caress his face as he looked around, occasionally smiling as he smelled the flowers he came across. Xiao turned his head to see a blonde long haired male in a lake, he then quickly ran over to see who it was. Once he had arrived at the lake he realized who it was, He eyes widened and his face became red as a tomato. Aether began to walk out of the water but stopped when the water reached his stomach when he noticed Xiao, Aether's eyes widened and he too became a tomato, though his face was little more red. Xiao began admiring Aether's body as he walked out of the water, slowly and slowly getting closer to exposing his.. Area. His build slender, but you could still see he was toned, His light golden hair against his pale skin, how the curves on his body had a light color of red on them.

Aether quickly went back under water before his future bloodline was exposed, Xiao looked away still as red as a tomato. "Uhm... what're you doing here Xiao?" Aether said while having his back faced toward Xiao, occasionally glancing back. " I was just going for a walk, but then I noticed a blonde person in the lake and thought they might be in trouble" Xiao said in a reply. " Oh, uhm that's-nice " Xiao looked back at Aether, only to see his back. Xiao slowly walked towards Aether and steadily started to take his clothes off so he could join Aether. Aether was shocked by his actions and quickly reacted by cover his body. " The fuck, Are.. Are you getting in!? " Aether asked confused and quite flustered. " mhm, pretend I'm not here, " Xiao replied, he felt the cool sting of the water embrace his body, then waited for his body to adjust to the temperature. 

Once Xiao had fully gotten in, he glanced over at Aether and touched his pale back. " Ah-" Xiao was shocked by his reaction, it turned him on a lot too. " sorry for moaning like that- " Aether had been cut off In the action of Xiao turning Aether towards him. Xiao had took Aether's face and kissed him, inserting his tongue. Aether's eyes widened then closed tightly while responding to Xiao's Tongue greedily exploring Aether's mouth. "hah-Xiao.." Xiao broke the kiss but put his head on Aether's, Aether was panting while they stared into each other's eyes. Xiao's hand reached down to Aether's now erect penis, Aether's arched his back with the sudden burst of intimacy. "Xiao.. " Aether had moaned while Xiao steadily stroked Aether's penis. Aether reached for Xiao's penis and stoked it as well. " Ngh-" Xiao moaned as Aether picked up the pace of his hand.

 Xiao picked up his speed as his hands explored all over Aether's body. Sending him into a overstimulation overload. "Xiao- wait- im gonna-" Aether whimpered loudly while throwing his head back,  all while he continued to stroke Xiao's penis so he could climax as well. Xiao moved Aether on top of him and stroked their penis's together. "Xiao- Wait.. fuck" Aether moaned while They both Climaxed at the same time.  Aether's entire body shivered and trembled  in pleasure while Xiao continued to stroke Aether even after they had climaxed. " Xiao-this feels- weird " Aether moaned loudly while Xiao rubbed the shaft of his penis, then shifted to the head. "Ah- fuck " Aether Squirted as he climaxed, Xiao licked the liquid off his hand then dug into Aether's neck. Biting on it, sucking it, licking, then slowly went up to his ears and whispered in them. " Aether~" Aether's body shivered in pleasure from hearing Xiao's voice close up.

" Aether open your mouth" Aether opened his mouth as fast as he could, Xiao stuck his tongue in and danced with Aether's. Xiao put his hand on Aether's back slowly drifted a finger down his spine making Aether arch his back. Xiao's finger was at Aether's entrance, sliding his finger in slowly  carefully and searching for a certain spot. " Xiao- why'd you stick your finger in my bum? it feels weird.." Aether said while clenching his teeth, " Is it a bad weird? " Xiao said concerned. "No? it's Not a Bad weird, but it's not a good weird either-ngh". Xiao licked Aether's nipples, and used his other hand to play with the second nipple. " Aa.. Xiao- Not my Nipples" Aether said while gasping and moaning. " Is it bad? " Xiao looked up at Aether while licking his glazed pink nipple. " No- It's not bad at all, Rather it's really-Good.. maybe to good." Aether Blushed when he said this and looked away. " Your nipples are cute Aether, they're so pink and red, can I bite them?-nevermind im going to" Xiao nibbled on Aether's nipples. Aether moaned loudly before Xiao looked up at Aether concerned but also turned on. " Aether are you ok? " Xiao asked. "im sorry, im fine- it just felt really good when you bite on my nipple" Aether said now red as a tomato.

Xiao smiled before going back to nibbling on his nipple, switching to the other one and giving it love too, soon enough they had become filled with love and bite marks.. Xiao had a second finger in Aether already, and came across a little bump and pressed on it. " Hphm~ Xiao- that spot.." Aether now a moaning mess as Xiao added another finger in and decided it was enough. Xiao pulled out his fingers, and stopped biting on Aether's nipples. Xiao looked down on Aether's pale body and his tip drowning in precum. Xiao blushed and so did Aether, Xiao stroked his penis then entered Aether slowly. "fuck.. Xiao-Wait-A second-mhm" Aether said while biting his hand to hole in his moans. Xiao took his hand and licked it while fully in Aether now. Aether blushed and arched his back as soon as Xiao started moving. " Ahhh-Mhmmm-Xiao.." Xiao began thrusting faster and faster shortening Aether's moans. Xiao sucked on Aether's pale white body leaving hickeys, almost like a dog marking it's territory. In the end Xiao left who knows how many hickeys on him. "Ngh- Aether if you tighten up-Ah~ so much, im gonna- hah - cum!" Xiao said while progressively getting faster.

"Then-Hah.. Cum, Xia. it's too fast.. mphm.. gonna-C-Cum" Aether said arching his back almost falling but stopped due to Xiao's hand holding his waist. Xiao grabbed Aether's penis and stoked it along while thrusting so they would match at the same pace. Aether came into Xiao's hands, His hole clenching Xiao. They both had cum together, Xiao's fluids filling him up with nicely. Xiao moaned as he came inside, slowly pulling out. Aether wrapped his arms around Xiao's neck and kissed him, opening his mouth for Xiao to roam. Xiao danced with Aether's tongue and sucked on it, Then the kiss ends. Leading to them leaning on each other's heads gasping. " Xiao, I love you " Aether said while staring into Xiao's eyes, " I love you too Aether "

The End ♥

Fixed the story number 1..

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