🎂💛Birthday letter💛 🎂

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"I've never liked dreaming. No matter what I see, I can neither control it nor easily escape. But recently... it's you that I keep seeing. All my dreams with you are of idle strolls and outings. Each time I awake, I can't help but wonder if I deserve to have such "sweet dreams"... Perhaps were I to see you in the waking world, I would the answer? If you are willing to meet me, just speak my name."

Aether was lying down in his bed, his back leaned against the wall and a pillow. His eyes trailed over the letter several times, he couldn't resist reading it over and over. Aether's cheeks and the tips of his ears were bright red at this point, after all he never expected such a letter from Xiao. He was smiling the entire time he read it, imaging how Xiao would look or act as he wrote it. He didn't want to just imagine it, he wanted to see it for himself. Aether looked down at the letter once more before gently placing it on his nightstand, he rolled back over onto his back and squeezed his pillow tightly into face.

Aether put the pillow to the side as he sat up quickly and then jumped out from his bed, he opened  the door and exited his room. He looked around the wangshuu inn before running up the stairs excited, he got to the first balcony and looked around for Xiao. Aether didn't see him so he quickly went up the the second balcony and there he saw him, standing as his hair flowed in the wind. His eyes full of the constellations and stars as he gazed upon the sky, before he noticed someone behind him. Xiao quickly turned around to see who it could be, Aether jumped from Xiao's sudden movement before smiling as he walked forward. 

"Xiao, I got your letter." Aether spoke as he now stood next to the man, Xiao nodded as he heard Aether's words. Aether looked up at the starry night, the constellations and stars now in his eyes, Xiao only stared at Aether despite being so enthralled earlier from it. Anyone who took a glance as to how Xiao was looking at him would instantly know, the amount of sheer love and appreciation in one's eyes. Aether chuckled before tearing his eye's away from such a sight and turning his head to look at Xiao. Xiao continued to stare into the other man's eyes, although his eyes couldn't help but trail down to his lips.

"Xiao, your letter. You dream of me?" Aether asked with a smile, the blush creeping back onto the tips of his ears. Xiao paused for a moment before looking up at the sky and then back at Aether. "Yes, I have been dreaming of you a lot recently, And I wouldn't like that to change." Xiao spoke with certainty before taking hold of one of Aether's hands and holding it up to his face, he readily leaned into Aether's touch. Aether was at this point a tomato, he was in pure shock from how gentle Xiao was being, or rather.. Loving? "Xiao, do you perhaps have feelings for me?" Aether asked him straight up, Xiao was shocked. Did he really have feelings as humans did?

"Perhaps I do, im not quite sure what feelings I harbor towards you, But I know that I want to protect you, touch you, know you, a lot more than I do now." Xiao said such strong words all in one go, a total K.O for Aether, Aether was definitely more bright than a tomato now. Aether took a deep breath before walking closer to Xiao and resting his forehead on Xiao's forehead, Xiao was certainly shocked but quickly adapted. "Xiao, I believe I have feelings for you, Feelings of Love. I love you Xiao, I want to do anything and everything I can with you." Aether poured his heart out just as Xiao did, Xiao stared into his eyes the entire time. "Love.. is that the word for how I feel?" Xiao's hands slowly crept around Aether's waist, pressing his forehead into Aether's now.

"I would hope so." Aether giggled before pulling his forehead away from Xiao's and then leaning into kiss him. Xiao's eyes widened as he was kissed, It was a short kiss but still a kiss nonetheless. Xiao's mouth gaped open a bit as his finger trailed upon his lips, He quite liked it? No, rather he really liked it. Xiao looked over at Aether before smashing their faces together once more, this time Aether opened his mouth in shock to which Xiao took the opportunity to stick his tongue inside. Which of course only shocked Aether more, he quickly closed his eyes as Xiao kept licking and sucking on his tongue. He wanted to completely explore all throughout Aether's mouth, eventually finding a spot on the room of Aether's mouth.

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