🏮♥ The Lantern Rite Festival ♥ 🏮

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This starts out When Xiao, Aether, Paimon ,and Zhongli are the last ones left, Aether wants to convince Xiao to stay with him ,but they are all about to say their goodbyes.

 Aether waves bye at the others and then looks back At Xiao, he observes his face and instantly knows Xiao doesn't want to stay in Liyue harbor any longer, but Aether doesn't want to leave it as just this, he wants to cuddle, and spend time with Xiao. Maybe even get passionate in bed, But Could Aether even convince him, would he want to spend more time with Aether? Aether took his chances and gave Zhongli a look.

"well I suppose I should get back to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and meet up with Hu tao." Zhongli states out and as he slowly turns his body but noticed a little.. Look.. from Aether Which desperately said " Please take Paimon for the night" Zhongli nodded slightly, " Paimon, would you care to join me" Zhongli requested. " Huh? Paimon? Uh okay as long as there's food i'll be there, See you later Aether" Paimon was confused but went along with it cause food was involved.

"Haha more food Paimon? But i'll see you later as well" Aether giggled then turned toward Xiao, Xiao looked up at Aether and gulped quietly, well maybe not quietly with all this silence between the two. "Do you wanna go for a walk in Liyue for a little " Aether suggested, but he knew he would be turned down, he just said this to think of another idea to make him stay with Xiao for much longer. " No, I think I've stayed in Liyue much longer than I meant to" Xiao shook his head and closed his eyes then opened them and looked back up at Aether. " Well I guess i'll see you later" Xiao said with an awkward tone. Aether came up with no ideas, what could he do, he had no other choice but be really direct about it, and would that even work?

"Xiao.. Wait. Can I come with you? " Aether said nervously, somewhat expecting to be rejected yet again, But to his surprise he wasn't. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea." Xiao replied as his hand slid closer to Aether's waist, carefully holding him as careful as he could . " Hang on" Xiao spoke into his ear softly and got to Wangshuu Inn. Xiao took Aether's hand and walked to his room, Aether sat down on the bed and forced Xiao down Quickly, pushing him down and cuddling him while resting his head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Xiao slowly stroked Aether's Hair while hugging him back, smiling ever so slightly.

Aether smiled softly and so did Xiao, Aether moved every second or so to position himself on top of Xiao, he slowly put his hands under Xiao's chin and faced him. " Xiao do you wanna do dirty things? " Aether asked, his face flushed but eyes fierce at the same time, for they haven't met in while because they had both been busy with work, and the Festival. Xiao smiled before rubbing Aether's ass slowly and groping it with his hands. Xiao leaned in to kissed him, he slowly pressed his tongue at Aether's lips. Aether fought back as to not let Xiao in that easy, but unfortunately for him Xiao rubbed two fingers over his hole causing Aether to moan slightly granting Xiao access into his mouth.

Aether still fought for domaince but quickly backed down as Xiao continued to rub his hole pressing into the fabric, rubbing back and forth. " Aah~ I guess this is your way of saying yes-ngh" Aether joked only for a loud moan to slip out as Xiao bit his neck and then sucked on it. "Ah fuck.. you " Aether moaned out as Xiao took off his top, then Aether's. Xiao stared at Aether's nipples for a few seconds, " What? why are you staring at them? " Aether asked then he looked down, Band-Aids were on each one and Aether's face flushed a bright pinkish red.

"Uhm.. this is.. uhh " Aether said while looking away, Xiao poked his finger at one of them and wringed out a small whimper from Aether. " How did this happen hm?" Xiao said pulling and twisting the reddened nipple while the band-aids were still on. " Xiao- fuck- I can't say.. it's too embarrassing" Aether whimpered out while using his hand to cover his escaping noises. Xiao sucked on the other nipple that his hand wasn't playing with, then suddenly stopped and teased his nipple by going around it. " Ah Xiao, why are you avoiding it.." Aether questioned Xiao and practically was begging him to play with them more. " If you tell me i'll continue and take the band-aids off" Xiao smirked while still circling around the swollen nipples. " Ugh fine I was masturbating with them a week ago and they.. starting.. um  leaking a weird fluid and got wet every time they brushed against my shirt" 

Aether said while covering his face completely with his hands, Xiao was shocked but took this opportunity to his advantage. He ripped the band-aids off quickly and liquid squirted out of his nipples while Aether whipped his head back in pleasure and moaned loudly. Xiao smirked and quickly starting sucking on his nipples again, biting it and rubbing it with his other hand. Aether pushed Xiao's shoulder away from his nipples as A mean to get him to stop, " Xiao-please this is too much" Aether whimpered into Xiao's Ear, Hugging tightly onto Xiao's neck. Xiao blushed at the feeling of his lover whimpering softly in his ear, knowing he was teasing him. Xiao smirked and pulled Aether up from his thighs. "Aether, you're so handsome" Xiao smiled while kissing his thighs softly, then biting down on them and sucking on the mark.

"Xiao-fuck, I missed you.." Aether looked down back at Xiao, Seeing his erect throbbing cock turned him on. Aether pushed Xiao down and Got into the classic 69 pose, lying his ass flat on his chest, dick rubbing on Xiao's nipples. Xiao winced at the sudden tiny burst of pleasure on his nipples, then whimpered softly when he felt Aether's mouth suddenly lick the tip of his penis. Aether Twirled his balls around in his fingers, bobbing his head up and down on Xiao's fully erect cock. Xiao quickly swirled his tongue inside Aether's hole, A shiver was sent down his spine as he moaned next to Xiao's penis, sucking on the side of the shaft. Xiao's tongue explored his hole, searching for that one.. specific.. Spot. "Ngaah~?" Aether moaned out jerking his ass in the Air as Xiao's tongue pressed on his sensitive spot.

"Xiao~ That's enough put it in" Aether sat on Xiao's lap resting on his cock, Xiao grunted and sat up, then put his hands under Aether's Arms and lifted him up. Plopping him on his dick, Aether moaned out while his cum squirted onto Xiao's stomach. Xiao moaned into Aether's neck while biting him, Aether's hole squeezed tightly surrounding Xiao's cock In a warm hell. The two of them panted heavily, their bodies sticking together from the warm mess Aether had made. Xiao slowly sat up, pulling out of Aether and the quickly thrusting back inside, Aether arched his back while whimpering loudly. Xiao smirked happily as he kept up this pace, thrusting harder each and every time. "Xiao-slow down.." Aether whimpered as tears of pleasure flowed down his face.

Xiao quickly stopped and caressed Aether's face, giving him a polite kiss before whispering in his ear, "Just one more round Aether" Aether's jaw dropped in shock, He wanted to go again?! Xiao quickly picked up his pace from earlier. Unrelenting thrusts over and over as Aether's hole tightly squeezed onto him, soon enough Xiao grunted as he came inside of Aether. The hot warmth creeping inside of Aether was just enough to make Aether cum, he whimpered as Xiao pulled out and gave him a peck once more. 

"One more?"  

Thank you for reading my story, I deeply apologize for not having a consistent schedule, I have a lot less free time then when I first started writing, I also noticed that my writing skill has improved a little bit so That is one thing to look forward to.   Sorry again, and thank you for reading.

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