Christmas Special - The outfits -

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*when will Xiao be back.. He's taking forever..* Aether thought as he sat upside down on the bed. * how long does it take someone to comeback from work.. it's Christmas for Rex lapis sake.* Aether sighed ad he sat up and  scratched his head.* ah I should probably take a shower then* Aether thought as he got up and headed toward the bathroom, then starting the water and waiting for it to warm up. He took his clothes off and then got in. *this is nice and warm, I wanna stay in here forever.. Come to think of it, do I have a present for xiao??* Aether thought, while he washed his head with shampoo, * wait I do, I bought those pervy outfits. there's probaly a Santa themed one right?" then grabbed the hidden lube bottle in the cabinet.

* now i'll just prep my self before he gets here and surprise him with a Apron then change into a sexy outfit!* Aether smirked as he thought of his devious plan, then slowly inserted his finger after soaking it in lube. "ah~ this feels a little weird, I haven't -ngh- done this in a while" Aether moaned out loud.  After a little while Aether stopped " this should be enough.. Now I can make dinner" Aether said as he put nothing but an apron on and went to the kitchen. " Hmm, what should I make..?? I think i'll make a sweet madame and Almond tofu." Aether said and he got all the ingredients out. An hour later Aether was all finished with all the dishes. Then he heard the door handle open. " im back " Xiao said as he walked in with a gift in his hand. "Xiao! you're finally back!, I made dinner and dessert." Aether said as he walked over to Xiao and kissed his cheek then walking back to the kitchen. Xiao immediately noticed his "outfit" of his and stared at his ass as he walked away.

Xiao placed his bag down then sat down at the table. Aether carried out the dishes and Xiao just stared at him blushing, " so uh what's with that "outfit" of yours?" Xiao asked while he got his portion of the food. " oh I just didn't have enough time to change into an outfit without begin late for dinner, Why? are you turned on?" Aether grinned at he took a bite of his food, Xiao looked glanced down and his half hard cock and shoved food in his mouth. Aether laughed and took another bite. " so how is it?" aether asked Staring at Xiao for his Answer. "it's good as always" Xiao said blushing at the attention from Aether. " Haha I am a great chef after all, just not a professional." Aether said stuffing a bite of almond tofu in his mouth. Xiao smiled as he ate his Almond tofu as well. A little while later " You done?" aether asked as he placed his hand under Xiao's plate intending to pick it up. " Oh I got it." Xiao said but Aether snatched the plate away, and walked back to the kitchen. Xiao's eyes drifted down to his ass again, and blushed once again.

Xiao walked into the kitchen and hugged Aether from behind. "Was this outfit to tempt me Aether?" Xiao asked as he licked Aether's ears and rubbed his nipples through the Apron. "Ngh- ahmm Xiao wait-" Aether said as he arched his back pushing his ass into Xiao's dick. " answer me Aether" Xiao bite Aether's ear and then twisted his nipples. " mhm- Y-yes" Aether said while turning his head to kiss Xiao. " but wait I have a present for you just let me get it." Aether said dragging Xiao into the bedroom, and going into the closet. Xiao Sat on the bed Speechless" Aether got dressed in his sexy Santa outfit."*Thank god I bought this before hand* Aether thought, He then brought out a whole box that was filled with Adult toys and items. " Xiao close your eyes for a second!" Aether said as he walked into the bedroom and placed the box on the floor and pulled out some handcuffs. " Okay now hold out your hands" Aether said, and Xiao complied, Aether then put the handcuffs on him. " huh? what's this Aether?" Xiao asked as he tried to pull his hands apart from one another.

" Okay open your eyes!" Aether said as he stood in front of Xiao, Xiao opened his eyes confused.  Aether stood with his hands  covering his penis, which was practically Showing from how short his shorts are. " here you can also get a hat" Aether said as he climbed on top of the tied up Xiao, and put the hat on his head. Xiao leaned forward and bite Aether's nipple, " Hgnh!" Aether moaned out tilting his back, and gripping Xiao's back. Xiao licked then sucked on his little peach pink nipples, Aether pushed Xiao away from his sensitive little nipples." No- im in charge" Aether said as he pitifully glared at Xiao, Backfiring and only turning Xiao on more. Aether covered his nipples back up with the Red and white fluffy top, to make sure Xiao doesn't attack them again. Then he zipped Xiao's pants open, taking out his big cock.

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