•---- Pocky challenge ----•

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Xiao opened his eyes slowly, breathing in the fresh air, admiring the scenery displayed, then closing his eyes slightly uneased, especially with all that had happened a few days before.(This is when the event "Hidden Dreams in the Depths" is present). Xiao had quickly opened his eyes and turned back to see who had appeared behind him. It was only Verr Goldet coming up to inform Xiao his Almond Tofu was finished and was waiting for him in his room. " Pardon the intrusion, your Almond Tofu is finished and is waiting in the usual spot." Verr Goldet said as she stood at the doorway. " alright, thank you.." Xiao replied leaving alongside her to arrive at the room where the almond tofu was held. Xiao opened the door to see his precious Almond Tofu, the almond tofu looked so delicious that it almost looked as if there were sparkles around it. Xiao rushed over to the table and enjoyed his almond tofu, the creamy texture, the Almond flavor, maybe even a slight sweetness warmed his heart, or rather just gave him peace of mind.

Once Xiao had finished the almond Tofu he had sat down on a nearby couch, closing his eyes and leaning his head to rest on the couch. *Knock~Knock* Xiao opened his eyes and sat up as soon as he heard the knocks. " Who is it? " Xiao questioned the person who had interrupted his rest. " Hey Xiao, It's the traveler, Aether." Xiao's eyes widened then relaxed. " Come in" Xiao replied. Aether walked in the room with a small pink box with the words "Pocky" on it. Aether sat down on the couch and answered Xiao's long awaited question of what was in his hand. " Xiao your expression is giving it all away" Aether giggled " It's just a snack, but uhm I wanted to try something." Aether said while slightly blushing. " You want to try something?" Xiao had questioned while tilting his head, Aether nodded. " It's called the pocky challenge, I eat from one side and you eat from the other, the first person who's mouth comes off the pocky stick loses, and if neither of us do we win in a tie!." Aether said while smiling at Xiao. Xiao wasn't stupid, he knew that would end in a result of a kiss. Xiao had slightly blushed but ignored these weird feelings he felt. "alright let's try it" Xiao replied with a flushed face.

Aether put the strawberry flavored pocky stick in his mouth and moved his head closer to Xiao then signaled for him to put his mouth on the pocky. Xiao bit off the other side of the pocky stick and let go, chewing the other side of the pocky stick in his mouth, admiring the flavor. Aether put on an annoyed face and ate his side of the pocky stick. Aether put another pocky stick in his mouth and once again moved closer to Xiao. Xiao bit of only the tip which shocked Aether resulting in the pocky stick dropping. Aether laughed and reluctantly put another pocky stick in his mouth. Xiao quickly bit his side of the pocky stick, moving closer and closer to Aether's lips. Aether panicked and backed away. " Sorry!" Aether apologized as Xiao stared at him. Another pocky stick in Aether's mouth, this time they slowly ate their side of the stick, but this time Xiao backed off with a flushed face. Xiao quickly sat up and hid his face, throwing a pocky stick at Aether's face. Aether practically giving up in this challenge, This time Xiao put a pocky stick in his mouth, Aether moved closer and slowly bit his side of the stick. Getting closer and closer, Aether slowly panicked and backed off right when their lips were about to touch. Aether scratched his head while Xiao stared at Aether slightly ticked. He took what remained as the pocky stick out of his mouth,then got hold of Aether's shoulder and held his face while pulling him closer, lips closer and in a flash they were kissing, Aether's eyes' were wide open but slowly relaxed and closed as he put his hand on the hand that was caressing his face. Then the kiss ended, both of them gasping, Aether was so shocked by what had just happened but also wanted more as he looked at Xiao's face slowly drifting down to his lips.

 Aether slowly started going in for more but Xiao had quickly gotten up, Aether was a little disappointed, but still smirked at how embarrassed Xiao was. " One more? " Aether asked as a joke, But all he got in reply was more pocky sticks thrown at him. Xiao was slowly calming down avoiding to look at Aether until his face wasn't tomato red. Aether was still on the couch waiting for Xiao to come back. *I still want to kiss Xiao.. No rather than that I want him to ravish me... Wait what? I want him to what?* Aether's thoughts were all over the place, Xiao still flushed glanced over at Aether. He was looked down with his bangs covering his face and his hands on his knees. " Aether?.. is something wrong?" Xiao asked not as flushed anymore, But he got no reply. Xiao walked toward Aether and asked him to lift up his head, No reply again. Xiao put his hand on Aether's chin forcing him to look up, The look on Aether's face was very erotic. His face was practically saying " Fuck me, rail me, kiss me, do whatever you want, love me, thrust into me" The weird feeling happened again, Xiao didn't know what this feeling was. But Xiao seeing the state Aether was in made all his thoughts vanish. Xiao pinned Aether to the couch and kissed Aether, this time inserting his tongue. Aether was shocked but slowly closed his eyes allowing Xiao entrance to explore his mouth.

Xiao got this overwhelming feeling and he didn't know what it was at all, this feeling was all new to him. Xiao had let the kiss go and stared at the now Panting Aether with a little saliva dripping out of his mouth. This feeling was now almost possessing Xiao and he couldn't hold back whatever this feeling was anymore. "Xiao?" Aether said slightly worried because all Xiao was doing was just staring at Aether. " I'm sorry, I can't hold back anymore" Xiao replied slowly taking Aether's clothes off.  Aether's face went as red as a tomato, As his peach-pink nipples were on show. Xiao stared at them for a few seconds then brushed his finger against one of them. Aether made a "Ngh" noise which made Xiao want to do more, he rubbed around the tip, he rubbed in circles then pinched them. " Ahh- Xiao- No-Ah-st-op" Xiao smirked and licked the nipple that he was playing with getting a loud moan from Aether.  Xiao used his other hand to play with the other nipple, squeezing it, pushing it in, then pulling it. "Aah!" Xiao looked up at Aether trying to hold on his voice, Xiao nibbled on Aether's nipple to get a reaction and he did, a loud one, one that wanted Xiao to do more than nibble on his nipples.

Xiao went toward Aether's ear and blew in it. " Ah- Xiao?" Aether moaned as Xiao nibbled on his ear as he did with his nipples, then slowly went down Aether's neck leaving loads of hickeys. Then when he got to Aether's crouch he slowly took Aether's pants off leaving on his underwear. Xiao licked Aether's erect penis that was covered by his underwear which slowly got more wet and soaked. "Ah~mhm- Xiao more please" Aether pleaded as he lifted up his hips in response to the pleasure. Xiao took Aether's underwear off revealing is penis, his tip flooded with precum. Xiao licked his tip. " Ah- Ngh- wait- too good- Ahhmh" Xiao swallowed Aether's penis. " Aah- Ah- Xiao~" Xiao always blushing whenever Aether called out his name, Aether caught on and purposely called out his name. Aether quickly came after Xiao finished him off, swallowing what Aether had left in his mouth.

Aether looked down at Xiao's fully erect penis then reached down for it, Taking it out of it's barricade. Xiao blushed while Aether stroked him, Aether then leaned down toward Xiao's penis and licked it. "Mhm-" Xiao let out a small moan while Aether teased his twitching tip, Then swallowed Xiao as much as he could just as Xiao did to him. Xiao flinched as Aether took him in into his mouth further and further. "Aether- I'm gonna cum-" But it was already too late, Xiao came a lot into Aether's mouth. Aether swallowed it all then kissed the tip of Xiao's penis. " good boy" Aether said with a smile as Xiao's face became as red a tomato. They both got dressed and rested on the couch, Aether snuggling Xiao and sleeping peacefully. Xiao wrapped his arms around his adorable lover, smiling and kissing his forehead.

The End ♥ 

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