*~ School AU ~ *~*~ Why not me? ~*

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Just gonna say that this one is gonna be longer than the ones before..

Aether Sat down on the roof top and ate his lunch quietly, his headphones on his ears and music playing loudly. Doing some of his history homework that Zhongli-Sensei gave him earlier, occasionally  biting the tip of his pencil in confusion. He had then begun thinking of someone special to him, and drew him on his homework, He was so distracted by his drawing that he didn't even notice someone sneaking up behind him. The someone was Xiao, his friend/ Special someone that he met recently. Xiao was a 2nd year while Aether was a 1st year. Xiao tapped Aether's shoulder" Nice drawing, who is it?" Xiao asked "Wah! Xiao?? when did you get here?" Aether said in a panic while covering up his doodle of Xiao. Xiao's gaze drifted to the covered drawing, then back to Aether. " I was just going to take a nap on the roof, never thought I'd find you up on the roof, eating lunch, and doing homework... So who is the doodle of? " Xiao asked Aether because he couldn't really tell who it was.

"Oh, it's just someone special to me.." Aether said while blushing. "Oh your sister?" Xiao questioned. "Oh no not at all, it's uhm the person I like." Aether said while hiding his face, Xiao was shocked by his reaction and slightly smiled. " Anyway whatcha listing to?" Xiao said while sitting down right next to Aether, Leaving Aether shocked but brushing it off. " uhm just some music.." Aether replied. "ha ha very funny " Aether giggled which made Xiao's heart beat faster, but the bell then interrupted them. " Oh I better get back to class, See you later.." Aether said while collecting his things and leaving, Xiao stared at the floor for a second then walked to his class as Aether did. A few hours pass and Aether was walking to his After school Club, which was Archery and he was the best at it in the school.

Xiao on the other hand didn't have any club activities and would often visit one of his friend's clubs. He hadn't gone to Aether's club yet so he decided would today. And of course Aether didn't know that Xiao was going to be surprising him by showing up. Aether went into the changing room and took off all his clothes, then quickly changed into his clothing and got all his things ready for him. Xiao didn't know that Aether did Archery, so he was pretty shocked when he heard about it, But he also thought that it suits him. Xiao walked into the doorway of the archery room, Aether was aiming at the target and taking a deep breath while closing his eyes then letting go. Xiao stood at the door way speechless, Aether opened his eyes to look at the target, he got it dead in the middle. Xiao slightly blushed at how breath taking Aether was, Aether got another arrow from his back and saw Xiao at the door way in the process. " Oh hey Xiao, you don't have a club? " Aether asked while Xiao stood there still speechless, Aether tilted his head in confusion. "ah- oh- uh yeah, I don't have a club.." Xiao said while staring at Aether.

" Xiao? are you good? " Aether asked while about to set his things down. " Oh no you don't have to stop, i'll just be watching you- Ah that sounds a little creepy" Xiao said while preventing Aether from putting down his things. Aether stared at Xiao then Smiled and continued. Xiao Smiled as he watched Aether continue to do what he loves. Aether had ran all out of arrows and began walking to the target to retrieve his arrows. Once he got his arrows back he suddenly tripped on a rock that was in the grass. Xiao ran over Quickly and caught him while getting the arrows out of his hand. Xiao quickly looked at Aether to see if he was injured only to find a very red faced Aether. Xiao's eye's widened as Aether slowly pushed Xiao's face away from his bright red tomato face. " Ah- uh thank you very much.." Aether said while Xiao let him go. "Wait your hand is bleeding." Aether said as he took Xiao's hand and quickly wrapped it with his string from his outfit. "I'll take you to the Nurses office once I get changed back into my uniform." Aether Said as Xiao nodded.

Xiao x Aether one Shots 18+Where stories live. Discover now