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Soorim was stunned with what Hooni just said and stood there dumbfounded. He wanted to say "I love you too" or "Isn't saying 'I love you' too soon? Haha" Hooni just stared at him waiting for a response "Are you going to reply, Soorim?" Soorim looked at Hooni with his hands trembling he held Hooni's hand "I can't say 'I love you' to you yet." Hooni felt a slight of sadness but he understood Soorim so he let it slide "Thank you for being honest with me it's showing your commitment with our relationship." They both smiled at each other and finally walked back home.

While going back to each other's apartments Hooni asked "Should we have a sleepover at my place?" Soorim chuckled and muttered "Isn't it a bit too soon for sleepovers?" Hooni grabbed his hand and stared at him "Everyone has sleepovers even family it shouldn't be such a big milestone." Soorim looked away, "Yeah, I guess you're right." Hooni grinned "Great, so sleepover at my place?" Soorim nodded and they both went to their own apartments.

A few hours passed by and Soorim was preparing himself to go to Hooni's place for a sleepover. While preparing Soorim's older sister walked in, "Why are you all tighten up like that for?" Soorim glared at his sister "Harim, it's none of your business." As a noisy person Harim was she didn't leave her brother alone. "Can I come with you?" Soorim said trying to smile "No." Harim is pretty persistent so she kept begging Soorim until a "yes" came out of his mouth.

While arriving at Hooni's apartment Harim was excited that she couldn't even walk normally anymore. Soorim soon enough calmed down his older sister. As he walked to Hooni's door Harim knocked instead. Although it was unsure to say if this was lucky or not I'll continue to the story, Hooni opened the door. He smiled when he saw Soorim but once he started to look around he saw Harim, Hooni was for sure shocked. He looked at Soorim and whispered "Who is this woman?" Soorim replied "My older sister, Harim, hopefully this she doesn't effect anything for our sleepover."

Hooni looked at Harim once again and waved "Welcome." Harim didn't even say a word she was so dumbfounded by Hooni and instead said something she'll remember for a while "I think you look pretty nice for a guy." Hooni looked at her with a confused look "Thank you?" Harim nodded aggressively "Your welcome!" Soorim purposefully bumped his shoulder to her stomach "Act normal!" he whispered and went into Hooni's apartment. Harim followed and was very much still in her head. "So Harim, I'm shocked Soorim's never mentioned anything about you." Harim briefly laughed "He doesn't like to mention me much since he gets embarrassed."

Hooni didn't know what to do but look around his room. There was an awkward silence, it felt like you could even hear the air. Hooni was about to say something until Harim interrupted "Are you and my brother friends or something?" Hooni and Soorim looked at each other and looked at Harim "Yes!" Harim smiled and thought "I have a chance with him!" Hooni brought a small table and sat down, as Soorim tried to sit next to him Harim beat him. Soorim had to sit across from Hooni although they weren't in contact physically they were still in contact emotionally. Harim asked "Can I stay over for the sleepover?" Soorim was about to say "No" until Hooni said "O-of course." Soorim was confused of why Hooni kept being kind to his sister while she was being unpolite. Hooni had a reason why he was doing this in his head he thought "If I'm nice to her, she'll approve of me!"

While Hooni was thinking that Harim didn't like her it was bluntly the opposite. "Hey, Hooni would you like to become friends?" Harim said, Hooni felt like he was going to burst of joy that he likes her so of course he replied "Sure." All was going well at the beginning until nighttime came, that's when it got a bit tricky for everyone. Hooni didn't know how to feel comfortable, Harim wanted to be close to Hooni as he slept, and Soorim wanted to move Harm somewhere else far away from Hooni. As Hooni went to his bed Soorim followed him quickly before his sister could. Soorim hugged Hooni "Let me sleep with you this time, please?" Hooni sighed in relief "Sure, why not?"

As they both lied in bed they eventually fell asleep, but of course Harim tried to sneak through the bed for Hooni. While Harim was being who she is Hooni woke up, he could sense Harim close to him and decided to keep his eyes closed. When he was pretending to be asleep he felt someone's warm hand touch his cold arm "Get away!!" Hooni screamed. It was somehow Soorim who touched him to make sure Harim didn't get closer than she already was.

Hooni turned his head behind me to see Soorim protecting him, Hooni quickly turned his head around and his heart started pounding. He felt safe and cared for at the moment and wanted to hug Soorim so badly. Until Harim walked next to Hooni and patted his head, Soorim looked at her "Just go to bed already and leave him alone." Harim playfully played with Soorim's hair "Fineee." And everyone finally slept peacefully till the morning.

In Love With The Wrong Person [Soorim x Hooni]Where stories live. Discover now