Chapter 3- Blackness

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I turned back over onto my other side and gasped for air. I pulled my covers off and swung my legs over the side of my bed. I stood, but immediately sat back down again when I felt nauseous. I tried to turn my light on but ended up on the floor with Mindy standing over asking me questions that I didn't understand. Next thing I knew I had thrown up all over myself. Gross. That was all that I remember before blackness. Blackness.

I woke to darkness. It wasn't complete blackness, but it was darkness. 

"Mindy?" I called out.

"Yes Kota? Is everything alright?" Mindy rushed into my room. She turned on my bedside lamp, and sat down on my bed.

"What happened?"

"You fell off your bed, and hurt yourself pretty bad. The doctor thinks you have a concussion. And he said you have symptoms that may point to...that you were..."

"Why did you stop? What's wrong with me?" I asked, now nervous.

"Nothing. It's nothing. The doctor said to call him when you woke up. Stay here."

Mindy went out of the room, but shortly came back with Augustus. I relaxed immediately.

"Hey dude! What happened Kota?" he said. I smiled at my friend.

"Hey bro!" I laughed lightly. "I fall down go boom." I said, still smiling. Augustus burst out in a fit of laughter, showing his perfect teeth and dimples. I was proud of myself. I hadn't made Augustus laugh for weeks. Speaking of weeks... I thought. "How long have I been here?" Augustus stopped laughing. His chocolate eyes suddenly found the carpet very interesting. He said nothing for a second.

"Well, ya see..." He looked back at Mindy who was standing in the doorway. Was he asking for permission to tell me something? "Um.... fifteen days..."

"F-fifteen?" I said in disbelief. "I've been in bed for over two weeks?!" I exclaimed. "But how? I mean, did I eat?"

"Yes. You ate. Well, sort of. The doctor would inject you with some vitamin supplements and proteins." Augustus explained.

Peter! Where is he? He should be home by now, I thought. I was eager to see my brother after such a long time.

"Where's Peter?" I asked.  Augustus and Mindy exchanged a look.

"Mindy. Where's Peter?"   I sat up, now frantic. Something was wrong.

"Dakota..." Mindy started. "I'm sorry." She started to tear up. I looked at Augustus. He looked concerned, and rubbed his right arm, a quirk he had when he was nervous.

"Dakota. Peter has been gone for a month now. He said in his application that he would be home last week. It's been too long Kota. I'm sorry Dakota. You know the rules. I'm sorry! He's...He's..." Mindy ran out of the room.

Augustus looked at me. He knows how much Peter means to me. He couldn't say it either. He walked out of the room, his normally confidant posture slouchy and sad.

"Gone." I said. But I'm sure that no one could hear me. My throat was dry. I hurt all over. I couldn't take this. Not now. He's the strongest hunter in the entire community! He killed countless demons, and creatures of all sorts! How?! He's only... he was only... NO! He's only twenty-two.

Gone. Impossible! It's impossible! He couldn't have been taken. He's still alive somewhere! He's not at a breeding camp. No! No! No! He's still hunting. He just lost track of time! He forgot to mark the days! But he wouldn't have, he's too good! No! He's coming back. Any moment now he's just going to walk into the room and say, 'Hey Kota! I missed you!'. He's not being bred! NO!

He's not gone. I refuse to believe it. I want to go back to blackness.

A/N Wow. I almost cried writing this. First their parents, now their big brother. Augustus even cried! And man, even though you don't know the characters very well, I hope that you get the same feeling about the characters that I do. So Peter is missing. You and I know that Dakota won't let that slide. Unless it is proven that he is "gone". I bet you are wondering what is wrong with Dakota. Let me tell you. So am I. Vote, comment on my spelling mistakes, and feel free to recommend, or a Levi will eat you. Phew. This was long! Bye! Gotta go binge watch Supernatural.

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